I'm looking for a host for my web pages & forums ( there are 5 now , but I'll build additional FORUMs and SITEs etc. after I bought a Host )
I look for those features ;
At least 10 GB Storage .
At least 100 GB BandWidth/mo
At least 1000 E-Mails ( pop3 - webmail )
At least 25 DataBases ( mySql etc. for my Forums ( php forums , etc. ) and Sites )
At least 1 Free Domain Name (and FREE ADDing of Domain names to this host. )
As a more important thing ; I will add some other domain names to my hosting account later. Because , I'll build more than 5 sites. Those would be COMPLETELY different web pages , with different DOMAIN names , seperated DataBases , and DIFFERENT e-mail adresses.
Some firms say that " it's charged for you , to add more than 1 domain to your host , that is , i.e , 1 $ per month " etc..
I wish to add lots of domain names ( I want at least 10 but what's the limit ? ) . And I want to add them later , not now ,at buying stage.
So in short , I'll build 5 or more pages , that includes , V-Bulletin forums , WebPges etc. and , all the sites will have different databases , e-mails , and domain names ( so if I have my own domain names , it must be free to add those , to that hosting. )
Another question of mine is , the ADVERTISEMENTs , is there any ads , you add-on automaically ?? I want to add my own ADVERTISEMENTs ( for example ,GOOGLE ADSENSE ) to my pages. ( I know that , some HOST FIRMS automatically REPLACEs their own GOOGLE ADSENSE ID with mine ! So I terminated one of my hosting with them. )
Thanks for your all support , and thanks again because of the time you spend for my response.
(( special thanks to , BlueVoda WebSite Builder , I saw it , it's very nice and great! ))
Regards & Thanks
I look for those features ;
At least 10 GB Storage .
At least 100 GB BandWidth/mo
At least 1000 E-Mails ( pop3 - webmail )
At least 25 DataBases ( mySql etc. for my Forums ( php forums , etc. ) and Sites )
At least 1 Free Domain Name (and FREE ADDing of Domain names to this host. )
As a more important thing ; I will add some other domain names to my hosting account later. Because , I'll build more than 5 sites. Those would be COMPLETELY different web pages , with different DOMAIN names , seperated DataBases , and DIFFERENT e-mail adresses.
Some firms say that " it's charged for you , to add more than 1 domain to your host , that is , i.e , 1 $ per month " etc..
I wish to add lots of domain names ( I want at least 10 but what's the limit ? ) . And I want to add them later , not now ,at buying stage.
So in short , I'll build 5 or more pages , that includes , V-Bulletin forums , WebPges etc. and , all the sites will have different databases , e-mails , and domain names ( so if I have my own domain names , it must be free to add those , to that hosting. )
Another question of mine is , the ADVERTISEMENTs , is there any ads , you add-on automaically ?? I want to add my own ADVERTISEMENTs ( for example ,GOOGLE ADSENSE ) to my pages. ( I know that , some HOST FIRMS automatically REPLACEs their own GOOGLE ADSENSE ID with mine ! So I terminated one of my hosting with them. )
Thanks for your all support , and thanks again because of the time you spend for my response.
(( special thanks to , BlueVoda WebSite Builder , I saw it , it's very nice and great! ))
Regards & Thanks