I built a web site using web site builder Blue Voda on my pc. And I would like to transfer every details and the program to work on it on my Mac. How can I do that.
You are talking to a new subscriber to the question and answer forum service. My user name is AdamPuglia and i do not yet have an account number with you that i know of? My email is Adam718p****.com. My domain name is SantanaRia.net and it is presently hosted by the horrible go ***** and i would change to you if the site i built on my pc can be worked with on my mac.
You are talking to a new subscriber to the question and answer forum service. My user name is AdamPuglia and i do not yet have an account number with you that i know of? My email is Adam718p****.com. My domain name is SantanaRia.net and it is presently hosted by the horrible go ***** and i would change to you if the site i built on my pc can be worked with on my mac.