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Just Starting Questions ....

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  • Just Starting Questions ....

    Hello everyone,

    I HOPE someone out there can help me. I have starting TRYING to build a site and have run into a brick wall. SERIOUSLY, I couldn't even fiqure out how to post a question to a forum. Have I fiqured that part out yet, am I doing this right? Is that what a TREAD is, a posted question/open conversation? I have a number of questions but, one important one is: is there an area where I can look up what something is used for ? Like, What is a form's definition? What does it do? They show you how to do it in the tutorials, but, What is it used specifically for?

    Sorry about the epic. I am confused. Thanks in advance.


  • #2
    Re: Just Starting Questions ....

    Yes ... you have created a "thread" in a specific Forum (VodaTalk is a collection of individual Forums: Pre-Sales, General Support, Blue Voda, etc.).

    To become more familiar with how these VodaTalk Forums work, review the FAQ via the link available at the top of every Forum page.

    To become more prepared to approach the task of building a website, start here : How To Plan Your Website

    To Download the Blue Voda Web Builder, use this link.

    To find all the video Tutorials on how to effectively use Blue Voda for you to build your awesome website, use this link.

    If after reviewing all the Tutorials (which cover every aspect of using Blue Voda) you are still challenged to find a solution, return to these forums and do a Forum Search using key words that best describe your situation and you will find previous answers to other's posts, which will offer you a selection of solutions to best fit your unique need. The Search link is also at the top of every forum page.

    If after using the Tutorials and the Forum Search methods you are still at a roadblock, by all means post your predicament here and we will try to personally answer you with the solution to fit your situation.

    Some useful links:
    Internet Glossary
    PIXRESIZER Image Tool
    Support Front-End Resources

    We are here to help, but not to take the credit as you learn to build your website yourself!

    Have fun, and keep our motto in mind as you progress:
    "Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan!"
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

