Hard situation

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  • Anonymous

    • Mar 2005
    • 439

    Hard situation

    I already have my domain and host, but I want to make my website with your software but I donīt want to change my host since I got it really cheap and they give me unlimited of everything, email accounts, disk space, unlimited transfer, unlimited FTP accounts......... and more unlimiteds........

    I want to host my site in MY host, is there a possible way????? Please donīt answer with the same message that I have seen a lot of times in this forum in wich you give me prices and hope me to buy soon....

  • bcw757
    The Bowling Alley Guy

    • Apr 2005
    • 106

    Re: Hard situation

    Originally posted by XK Productions
    I donīt want to change my host since I got it really cheap and they give me unlimited of everything, email accounts, disk space, unlimited transfer, unlimited FTP accounts......... and more unlimiteds........
    It's apparent that they don't give you BlueVoda, and quite possibly it looks as though you are not completely happy with your service, otherwise why would you be shopping around with other hosts??

    BlueVoda was designed, and offered to Vodahost subscribers only. I have seen the question that you asked, asked many times on here before, and it's apparent that you have too, otherwise why would you put up, "Please donīt answer with the same message that I have seen a lot of times in this forum in wich you give me prices and hope me to buy soon...." What's the answer you're looking for, if I may ask?

    Please note, I'm am not affiliated in anyway with Vodahost other than I am a Customer, and a big fan. If you are happy with your current host, stay with them, but don't expect to use an EXCLUSIVE Vodahost tool on another host! Think of all those unlimiteds you get, well you get UNLIMITED use of Bluevoda when you join with Vodahost!!!

    I've been around the net, my domain has set on about 8 different servers now, and I know it's finally landed a home!

    B White


    • VodaHost
      General & Forum Administrator

      • Mar 2005
      • 12356

      What type of answer do you expect? here is a good one...

      Sure...Take the software that we spent two long years and over
      $350,000 developing, testing and perfecting for free.

      I don't know, this does not ring well in my ears. How about yours?

      First of all, your host Does Not give you unlimited disk space and transfer.
      This is simply not possible. If he does, please tell me who it is and i will
      take all 10, 000 of my customers accounts their and save my self over
      $15k per month in server fees.

      You get what you pay for in this life my friend, Your at a cheap
      host, expect cheap service and cheap facilities.

      I look forward to having you as a customer.

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