We have brought our domain www.coreparanormalnz.com from bluevoda for $39.95usd.
Now we are confused as to whether that has already furnished us with hosting to the web or do we have to buy that for a minimum of $9.95usd per month?
We have tried to ask the billing area this same question a week or so ago but havent heard back.
If we need to purchase our hosting still - can you tell us where we fill out that information as the 'normal' buying mechanism seems to only work if you're transferring a domain from another source or getting your domain at the same time.
We have brought our domain www.coreparanormalnz.com from bluevoda for $39.95usd.
Now we are confused as to whether that has already furnished us with hosting to the web or do we have to buy that for a minimum of $9.95usd per month?
We have tried to ask the billing area this same question a week or so ago but havent heard back.
If we need to purchase our hosting still - can you tell us where we fill out that information as the 'normal' buying mechanism seems to only work if you're transferring a domain from another source or getting your domain at the same time.