Catalogue web form

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  • gibolson

    • Sep 2010
    • 2

    Catalogue web form

    We would like to see if our catalogue could be set up on your site. We have a 28 page catalogue already saved as separate gif files… (each page - includes index etc) I would like to place these on individual html pages with a side menu for navigation. I would like to create transparent shapes over individual items on each page where when clicked with a mouse, they would be linked to an order form, whether it be an individual page or drop down item, whatever. As the customer navigates the pages of our catalogue I would like the clicked items to 'add up' on the order form like a shopping cart, but not a true shopping cart, as there will be no financial transaction. I would instead like all of the chosen items to be sent to a form with added other information that will be sent to an email address. These items in the catalogue need to be built or created as custom pieces, so there needs to be a place on the same form for the customer then to add (at the end) all the necessary personal and additional information. I would create the necessary form fields needed for the items chosen.
    This is fairly complex although once tested, each page will be very similar in action.
    Once I am assured that this will work, we will look at setting up a domain name with you and enquire as to where we would put this site etc. I am sure there are many other unanswered questions, and I would like to open this up for dialogue until everything has been satisfactorily answered. If there are other sites using Voda Host that appear to be similar to my request, I wouldn't mind you providing me with same links so that I could check them out.

    Thank you
    Gib Olson
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Catalogue web form

    You can certainly do what you detailed, simply and easily using Blue Voda, the Web Builder available for Free from VodaHost (where you would purchase your hosting account from to publish your website to).

    However, setting up your entire page as merely an image with individually linked trnasparent shapes that deliver Visitors to specifically created email forms does little to satisfy the mandate that each web page contain a minimum of unique Content and elemental valuations the Search Engines are keen to verify .... without significant unique page-relevant Content development of a normative sort, your site would be instantly penalized severely.

    It may sound like a lot more work on your part, but your should consder showing your catalog page wholly as a thumbnail image that once clicked on will display full-sized (via the gallery effects the Lightbox feature produces) as an additional option/feature of the page itself: you should attempt to crop out individual items as single images to be set as an array with pertinent descriptive textual Content attributable to each --- thus the unique Content that also increases the Search Engines of returning your individual items as a result on SE Querries.
    * Optimally, these cropped item images can then have the backgrounds (and any leftover printed characters) removed in PhotoShop or other tool, and can then be universally presented against a high contrast background (white?) in a uniform sized array to "assemble" an online catalog of sorts, again, much like as is seen in most shopping carts. This also becomes important, as these images when titled and with descriptions will themselves be cached by the SE's and add value to yor overall site SEO metrics.

    Your 'Catalog Page' can be set in the sidebar, whereas your individual items from that page are now capable of contributing to your web page's compliance regarding construct and standards.

    So .... as you surmised and mentioned the skirting around of, your pages really do have to have some elemental design features similar to a shopping cart to keep your entire site from being blacklisted and shunned.
    But, your logical structuring of email-commerce is sound, and entirely (and easily) plausible.

    There is enough Peer Support and innumerable archived topics to assist you in refining your methods and developing both an appealing and sound solution.

    Like we always say ... "Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan!"

    Welcome to VodaLand!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • gibolson

      • Sep 2010
      • 2

      Re: Catalogue web form

      Thank you for your response! Now that I know this can be done, I would like to explain a little more fully the intent of this site. The product we create and supply is very proprietary and not for the general public. Having it completely searchable and spydered would not serve the purpose we are after. This catalogue contains training and promotional materials specifically geared for OUR real estate agents both in this area and expanded to other cities in our valley. This would be for the convenience of ordering what they would either email or phone us for anyway. They do have a printed version (or pdf) of our catalogue, but the ease of on-line ordering has another appeal which would make their lives easier and give them more time to do what they need to... presenting, listing and selling. We would have links for them to find us on the company site and possibly the national one. We would also advertise our link within company correspondence. We would like to have a searchable fairly narrow field, so that those outside our valley only looking for us would find us and 'accidental' discovery would be minimized. The individual pages I mentioned in the previous email matches the catalogue, which they are used to viewing and seeing. We would like to retain this look even though it does not conform to the usual. So with this information in mind, what would be our first step?



      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Catalogue web form

        Go ahead and download Blue Voda and start building your site!
        (You can access all the Tutorials conveniently from within Blue Voda via the link at the bottom of the Workpane)

        Sounds like you might want to Password Protect a Directory for the purposes of maintaining propriety.

        You will learn-by-doing what works and how things have to be to get them to work the way you want them to (which may or may not illustrate the principled advice given before you started), and when you are comfortable in your layout and how things interact, then you can purchase the hosting package to publish your site to.

        You can peruse the Forums to collect all the singular solutions and methods you need as you begin, and use the forum SEARCH tool to great advantage without having to post incrementally your progress or challenge points.

        I dare say, however, that you may come to believe that greater import should have been devoted to compliance with established web standards and the inter-relationships functionalities depend. But, nonethless, you will find tireless and non-judgemental support from your peers in these Forums, and always the best of information to help you decide your path.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: Catalogue web form

          Looking forward to working with you to bring your vision to an online reality!
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *

