I'd like to ask you some questions about buying domain.
I've created my site already. And now I'd like to publish it.
As far as I understand I have two choices:
one year - $95.40. Set up fee is waived.
In this case the total is $95.40 but total recurring is $115.40.
When should I pay that?
monthly - $9.95 per month + $30.00 set up fee.
In that case may I order the previous case in a couple of month and go to the previous options?
Regards. Vika
I've created my site already. And now I'd like to publish it.
As far as I understand I have two choices:
one year - $95.40. Set up fee is waived.
In this case the total is $95.40 but total recurring is $115.40.
When should I pay that?
monthly - $9.95 per month + $30.00 set up fee.
In that case may I order the previous case in a couple of month and go to the previous options?
Regards. Vika