I have a webpage www.malsahibindenal.com , it is a site for an advertising people can advertise for the goods,car,home etc for selling and buying, it is not e-commerce site, it is in Turkish. I got the domain through vodahost, but I could not design/make the site myselfe therefore I make it up a professional web designer, he is also hosting the site. What I want to know could I make the same site with BV, accordingly I will transfer it to BV hosting.
I have a webpage www.malsahibindenal.com , it is a site for an advertising people can advertise for the goods,car,home etc for selling and buying, it is not e-commerce site, it is in Turkish. I got the domain through vodahost, but I could not design/make the site myselfe therefore I make it up a professional web designer, he is also hosting the site. What I want to know could I make the same site with BV, accordingly I will transfer it to BV hosting.