If I bring my own domain name all I do is set my DNS files with the domain host where I got it at...right?
Domain Names and DNS
Re: Domain Names and DNS
If you leave your domain where you have it now, then all you need to do is modify the DNS there to point to your VodaHost account....CORRECT.
(You will receive your designated DNS server info and complete setup information in the confirmation email from VodaHost on account purchase)
VodaHost has prepared specific video tutorials to make this process truly easy and clear, many specifically created for particular hosts: http://www.vodahost.com/tut_dns.htm
If you have not done so yet, you may wish to still take advantage of a free domain name when signing up, and simply add this new domain to your account as either an add-on or more commonly a sub-domain to be published using Blue Voda or even one of the website builder shopping carts available to you as a VodaHost client without charge!