Help Needed: Page with list of songs

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  • Ramkumar
    First Sergeant

    • Aug 2006
    • 78

    Help Needed: Page with list of songs


    I need a page with 25 song names listed. There should be a "Play" icon, which the user can click to play the song.

    1) The Media Player progress bar should be besides the song name on the same page and the user should be able to stop it when needed. Is that possible?

    2) The progress bar for the song should be visible only for the song which is currently played. Others should be hidden. Is that possible? Is it possible to even hide the previous played track's progress bar?

    3) Can the Media Player tool be popped up separately from the page and play the song? Note that only the Media Player must be popped-up and not another HTML with Media Player in it.

    4) If the 25 songs are FTP'ed, then will the page with the links take long to load?

    5) Is it possible to have another link below the song name, which will take the user to a particular thread in the discussion forum?

    Your answers to these questions will be very helpful for me to host my website soon and will be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  • lovethatbluegrassmusic

    • Jul 2006
    • 495

    Re: Help Needed: Page with list of songs

    I'm not sure if this will help you with your site,
    but I also have music on my new site and I simply
    converted the music to mp3 and uploaded to my
    public_html directory. Then, I added pictures to
    my site using the picture tool at the top of the BV
    builder. Under properties for those pics, I linked
    to the uploaded music. You must use complete url.
    I used
    for example. Now, over the picture, I have
    click to listen. When someone selects the pic, the mp3
    will download and their player will pop up to play. Maybe
    this will help you.
    Brad Arnold.......

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    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: Help Needed: Page with list of songs

      Please start the habit of Searching for a solution rather than posting so many basic questions every day that could have been easily solved yourself with just the slightest effort....
      We don't mind helping, learn by doing......
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *

