Image upload

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  • Marincky

    • Apr 2006
    • 4539

    Image upload

    Ok, took the huge plunge and went for SohoLaunch. Nice product, however I have a major problem. Trying to add images to my cart using file manager to import pictures. Everytime I download images though into my FM it times out!

    Been on this for several hours now. Any advice please?
    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
  • Karen Mac

    • Apr 2006
    • 8332

    Re: Image up load keeps failing!


    When you say file manager.. are you talking about the main one in your control panel.. or the soho file manager?

    Im guessing your ftp connection is timing out or your pictures are very large. You can use a ftp client and upload all your images to the soho image folder that way much easier.

    My brain isnt functioning correctly yet, nor has my heart started yet.. havent finished coffee, but responding to 911 messages, I cant think off hand where to check your connection time outs for blind ftp.. I think its in your connection settings in the modem you are using to connect to the internet.



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    • Marincky

      • Apr 2006
      • 4539

      Re: Image up load keeps failing!

      Hi Karen, thanks for the reply. I mean in the soho admin panel, just keeps timing out. Anyway I have gone into the FTP itself and added them that way, much simpler!

      One more question please. I have started to add products to my shopping cart. Silly question but how do I make my cart seen? How do people see the products? I.E from the home page to actually making a purchase, I cannot for the life of me work it out. Any advice welcome
      Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


      • Marincky

        • Apr 2006
        • 4539

        Re: Image up load keeps failing!

        sorry, i'll rephrase this. I can work out how they get to see the products, but when i add a product to my products page, no thumbnail appears?
        Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


        • Karen Mac

          • Apr 2006
          • 8332

          Re: Image up load keeps failing!


          LOL.. Not sure where to start, here, its a multiphased process.

          Okies.. In the cart area you need to make your categories First. Then start adding product second.

          In the product area, you need to go thru all the tabs, well except for variations, if you dont have any.. nothing to do there, but on the image tab, you will have a choice of adding images in three areas. If you dont have a thumbnail, or additional images you just need to work with the bottom one and select it from the list on the drop down menu. The builder will then autmatically RESIZE this one for a thumbnail view as far as what the customer sees when browsing your cart or else where!

          How to get your customer to the pages? Well you could just LINK to your cart as far as shopping goes, but what I do and suggest others do is to create more pages in the main menu area set up by categories and keywords. When you create an upper level page, dont forget to go to menu navigation and add it to your nav bar.

          Edit your created page, and drop and drag your SHOPPING button to the area you want it to appear, and then you are given the option of which product to place from a drop down list again. If you preview here.. you will see that it has now added the thumbnail as well as your teaser description. When they click the MORE info or the picture either one it then takes them into the cart area. You not only have your navigation buttons to choose from.. but the cart area navigation as well.

          When setting up your cart display, if your template has navigation on the left you might want to set your cart navigation to appear on the right.. so both of them wont be jammed together on the left.

          Clear as mud? I warned you dont ask before coffee :) LoL



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          • Marincky

            • Apr 2006
            • 4539

            Re: Image up load keeps failing!

            Thanks Karen, you are a star!

            Ok, I understand all that now, but when I add images to my products as I add them to the cart, I then save them. But then they dissapear and turn to red x's.

            Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


            • Karen Mac

              • Apr 2006
              • 8332

              Re: Image up load keeps failing!

              Marin.. is this while you are building.. or do you have a live page for me to look at?

              Have you updated the builder? Go webmaster icon on main menu.. software updates, apply the builds that are available in order and log out in between if theres more than one. Always go to at least the last STABLE build.

              If thats done try reapplying the last stable build, and if all thats good click the question mark and then the IT and run diagnostics. Im going to guess its a permissions issue, but see what you find first.



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              • Marincky

                • Apr 2006
                • 4539

                Re: Image up load keeps failing!

                Sorry Karen, the site I am making is

                Here is the first product but no thumbnail?

                I have downloaded the latest update, I have also checked the IT and everything says ok.
                Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                • Karen Mac

                  • Apr 2006
                  • 8332

                  Re: Image up load keeps failing!

                  Well ,,,

                  Its not showing any images loaded at all! Are you sure they are in the correct folder and they are in the correct format? no bmp will work, gif and jpg only! View source isnt showing any loaded or attempting to load.

                  If you can look with your ftp manager, make sure the folder has populated on the server and that there are NO question marks. If you make me a signin ill go look real quick.

                  Email it to Kmacenterprise AT



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                  • Marincky

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 4539

                    Re: Image up load keeps failing!

                    details passed
                    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                    • Karen Mac

                      • Apr 2006
                      • 8332

                      Re: Image up load keeps failing!


                      In the IT diagnostics? Does it say the database is owned by NOBODY? And not your user ID? It can say that and still pass, but will be an issue. its not letting you save becasue you dont OWN it. Thats in the install config.. to change that I think. On the webmaster update, software.. down at the bottom there it asks if you want to set the chmod to 777 after the update.. apply yes to that and reapply the update and see what happens. If that doesnt work.. put in a support ticket to have the soho gurus reset that config file.



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                      • Karen Mac

                        • Apr 2006
                        • 8332

                        Re: Image up load keeps failing!

                        Ok.. you got a ton of permission errors in diagnostics

                        FolderPermissions OwnerGroupWriteableStatusRoot Directory (public_html)755evnnoutinobodynoFailed /images755evnnoutievnnoutinoFailed /media755evnnoutievnnoutinoFailed /template755evnnoutievnnoutinoFailed /tCustom755evnnoutievnnoutinoFailed /sohoadmin/tmp_content755evnnoutievnnoutinoFailed /sohoadmin/filebin755evnnoutievnnoutinoFailed /sohoadmin/program/modules/site_templates/pages755evnnoutievnnoutinoFailed Error Reports



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                        • Karen Mac

                          • Apr 2006
                          • 8332

                          Re: Image up load keeps failing!

                          Ok.. your set up isnt writable because it doesnt have you set as owner so you cant write to anything. You will have to put in a support ticket, or try rerunning the install.

                          You could also go to your cpanel for you main account.. fantastico, and see if theres an update there blocking it. Mine did this awhile back and I downloaded from soho the install package, and then ftp'd it up and reinstalled it on my site. I dont know if this will work for you or not, as I cant access that for you, but you could try it. When it asks for the license number just leave it blank as its a server license and it should patch up those ownership things. If you dont feel comfy doing that.. then use the support ticket and having it reinstalled that way. Sorry :(



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                          • Karen Mac

                            • Apr 2006
                            • 8332

                            Re: Image up load keeps failing!

                            One more thing.. go to mysql, and the sope database, make sure you have a user connected there that has all rights to the account. You will have to put this user and password in correctly if you reinstall it using the method described above for a manual install. It shouldnt delete what is already there, it should just overwrite the admin files, so your work could be saved. If they cant do it for you from the soho end, email me tonite with access to your control panel and ill try resetting it for you.

                            THEN .. you are going to owe me big TIME.. lol and it will be painful when i collect! HEHEH


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                            • Marincky

                              • Apr 2006
                              • 4539

                              Re: Image up load keeps failing!

                              Thank you Karen,

                              I have submitted a support ticket as this is too technical for me!

                              Thank you for all your help though, I appreciate it.

                              Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

