need help with shopping cart set up

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  • hroytne

    • Mar 2007
    • 15

    need help with shopping cart set up

    hi i have a little problem .. i have made a ecommerce website for my company now it is a drycleaning company and it ofers services in my shopping cart main page has "buy now" button i want to replace that button to "add to cart" i have done the following on soholaunch control pannel to chang it but its still the same on my page can someone please help me.

    Search Result Settings: 1. User Defined Button: "add to cart"

    This button links to the 'More Information' page. Leaving this blank will not show the button at all.

    2. Show 'Add to Cart' button under thumbnail images instead of 'Buy Now!' on initial searches?
    3. How should initial searches sort data?
    Sku Number Catalog Ref Number Product Name Product Price Shipping Variable (B) Shipping Variable (C)

    4. Number of results to display on searches:
    2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
  • Karen Mac

    • Apr 2006
    • 8332

    Re: need help with shopping cart set up

    You will have to customize the Product display script to ADD TO CART instead of : Buy Now. Currently thats the value in that form. Without looking in detail i cant tell you exactly which file that its but a product form. Do aview source, and it might even tell you which script it is calling for and therefore, the php page you need to edit. Im on the road on my lap top and im NOT building stores today.

    The one you are dislaying in your post is the SEARCH results and in the cart itself.



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    • hroytne

      • Mar 2007
      • 15

      Re: need help with shopping cart set up

      Hi Karen thanks you for your reply. but i am still bit confused...How do I customize the Product display script to ADD TO CART and what is php page and how do i edit it?

      thank you.


      • Karen Mac

        • Apr 2006
        • 8332

        Re: need help with shopping cart set up

        OY VEY.. .php is the file handler instead of html, and I believe includes perl commands as well. You would need to edit it in notepad most likely, and you would need to know what you are looking for.



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        • hroytne

          • Mar 2007
          • 15

          Re: need help with shopping cart set up

          thanks karen ...but that didnt really help... i know u have lot of knowladge about html and perl and php.. but i dont have any idea about i ll tell u what i did based on ur messages i went to my then i clicked on view and then source. after i found all the text with "Order Now!" and replaced all with "Add to Cart" and saved it in notpade text file ...they were all html coads. and then i refreshed the site but it still stayed the same. and when i went to do the same thing again to check if all the replacement that i did stayed the same but it didnt, as i expected. so i know your are trying to help the best u can but if u can and have some time please explain me in detail step by step how to change the code manually... and i know exactly what i need to change and i am bit familiar with html codes as well. so i can find the exact text that i need to change. so if u can please give me steps how to do that that would be great.

          thanks again for your time


          • Karen Mac

            • Apr 2006
            • 8332

            Re: need help with shopping cart set up


            Sorry that didnt help. It wont do you any good to edit the view source and save it. Youd have to edit the exact file that GENERATED that script, and I was telling you that so you would have a clue which file to edit and what code to look for.

            With that said, you probably arent going to get that kind of customization done for free, and I dont have the time it takes to look at what you want done and post the step by steps here for free. Besides helping out, I have my own sites and businesses to run, and I get paid for my time. I was merely pointing out where you could LEARN to do your own editing.

            I suggest you put your requested customizations into voda bids.



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            • Karen Mac

              • Apr 2006
              • 8332

              Re: need help with shopping cart set up

              Actually, I just looked in the soho backend, and if you go to your shopping cart menu, display settings and scroll down, to the third section, you now have the option of displaying ADD TO CART instead of BUY NOW!

              If you arent seeing it then do the updates, in the main directory, webmaster tools, software.



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              • hroytne

                • Mar 2007
                • 15

                Re: need help with shopping cart set up

                thanks karen
                but that also didnt work as you said before that was for on initial searches
                when you browse the item..but not for the min front item display..
                anyway i realize that you are bussy dont worry about it i will find out eventually...
                thanks a lot for your time really appriciate it.

