page navigation

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  • Lorena771
    Master Sergeant

    • Mar 2007
    • 61

    page navigation

    I have finally gotten my Zeus lnk directory uploaded to my public_html/Resources folder. However, it's still not uploaded to my Resources page. Zeus support came down to saying I need to change my page nav from:


    How, do I do this?

    Can I change all of my pages to better names the same way?

    Thank you,
  • Karen Mac

    • Apr 2006
    • 8332

    Re: page navigation


    First of all, you are talking *****s and oranges.

    Using zeus, nothing has changed. You cant upload it inside SOHO any more than you could UPLOAD inside your current hosting.

    Zeus pages are seperate. Think of them as a mini site unto itself. What zeus told you is correct. The zeus pages are HTML. So make a folder in your directory named LINKS and upload the files there.

    In soho go to your navagation icon, and scroll down midway.. There you can make a customized button link in your navigation to go to your little mini site that zeus resides in.

    You also make your template from the view source just like you did before on your other store, and you have to change the links to reflect your dot com, as most of the images etc will be using the shortened version, so u will have to add the instead of allowing it to call for just /images for example.

    You dont have to change ANY of your soho pages, nor should you have to change your zeus pages as they are created correctly. What you have to change is HOW you link to them.



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    • Karen Mac

      • Apr 2006
      • 8332

      Re: page navigation

      As an example: Here are my zeus pages

      The reason you see this...

      Is because I copied and pasted the code into notepad and put it in a soho page as a custom include. Thats probably what gave you the idea that zeus MERGED into your store. IT Doesnt!

      I chose to use the customized navigation for a view cart button instead of my links button.



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      • Lorena771
        Master Sergeant

        • Mar 2007
        • 61

        Re: page navigation

        I am truly sorry, but my brain doesnt work the same as yours/others does. I need instructions like, go your builder,cpanel,source code..etc, click there, enter this, replace that get the idea.

        After 2 days working with Peter at Cyber-Robotics (CR) this Is what spawned my post: quote from Peter

        "All you need to do is change the URL link to Resources on your main sites navigation to go to"

        Been looking all day for my "main site's navigation" Where do I find that?

        1. I have edited my Zeus/header & footer files to match my new site.
        2. I have created a folder in my cpanel called Resources. (not Links)
        3. I have successfully created & uploaded my link directory pages to public_html/Resources.
        4. I just want to know how to get them up on my Resources page(automatically thru Zeus/create like I've been doing).

        I sincerely appreciate your time & understanding. I got myself into this challenge and am determined to succeed somewhere.
        Thank you,


        • Karen Mac

          • Apr 2006
          • 8332

          Re: page navigation


          Thats what I just told you wont happen.

          4. I just want to know how to get them up on my Resources page(automatically thru Zeus/create like I've been doing).
          It wont show up on your resources page automatically. You have to link to it, just like you did on your SOL store.

          Resources folder, links folder, whatever you want to call it is fine. ARe you talking ftp UPLOAD? them with zeus ftp?

          You have to put your site info in the tools, options, ftp tab.

          There you have to put in
          Ftp server name:
          Ftp user/login name: Your host cpanel login id is what goes here, Not soho's
          Ftp password: This is the cpanel passwordd

          and spell it exactly how u did, nocaps, all caps or combo there of. If thats what you are talking about as automatic, then yes it will do that. But you still have to make a link to the page. It wont show up on your RESOURCES page in soho.



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          • Karen Mac

            • Apr 2006
            • 8332

            Re: page navigation


            I just looked and your links are there, but no template.

            Been looking all day for my "main site's navigation" Where do I find that?
            You cant get there thru soho backend that would require customization. And I told you where you can add a customized NAVIGATION link already.

            NAVIGATION ICON in soho, scroll down to the middle, and this is where you could type in the above link and have it show up on your navigation bar.



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            • Karen Mac

              • Apr 2006
              • 8332

              Re: page navigation


              I just peeked again and you still dont quite have the navigation part down. PM me on the other forum with your login info and i will do the navigation button for you.

              Or paste it into a page for you.



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              • Karen Mac

                • Apr 2006
                • 8332

                Re: page navigation


                I fixed your navigation for you and deleted the excess pages. When you get set on the template you want to use, let me know and I will try to help you with your zeus TEMPLATES so it LOOKS like your store.

                If you are having trouble getting the look you want or your header to fit, let me know what you want in the header and I will customize the template for you.



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                • Lorena771
                  Master Sergeant

                  • Mar 2007
                  • 61

                  Re: page navigation


                  I hate to keep having to ask for help. I struggled with Zeus all weekend.
                  Haven't gotten far. I don't get how the template on the resource page has maroon font since my other pages don't but it's doable. I will do my best at using & understanding the correct terminology.

                  1. Is this part(/../../../../../../ supposed to be in my code as shown?
                  <IMG src="sohoadmin/program/modules/site_templates/pages/CUSTOM-bounteous_template-non/../../../../../../images/bounteouslogo.gif"

                  2. I dont think I put bounteouslogo.gif in the correct place because it won't load with the rest of my template. Specifically where should I have put it?

                  [quote=Karen Mac
                  If you are having trouble getting the look you want or your header to fit, let me know what you want in the header and I will customize the template for you.
                  4. What I'd want is my logo placed so it doesn't look like an afterthought slapped in there. Can it easily be placed on the blue at the top?

                  5. Is the button you created still there? I don't understand how it rewrites the code if I only tried to add a new link and re-up the directory. I dont see how will I ever be able to trade links if this keeps happening.

                  be back later
                  Thank you,


                  • Karen Mac

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 8332

                    Re: page navigation


                    1. Is this part(/../../../../../../ supposed to be in my code as shown?
                    <IMG src="sohoadmin/program/modules/site_templates/pages/CUSTOM-bounteous_template-non/../../../../../../images/bounteouslogo.gif"
                    just add before the sohoadmin. Thats what you may have to do for all the links etc as well to make them work.
                    2. I dont think I put bounteouslogo.gif in the correct place because it won't load with the rest of my template. Specifically where should I have put it?
                    Just upload it to your images file and then change the path to it in the source code. Since this doesnt affect your store, it wont matter.
                    <IMG src=""> Just use this statement instead.

                    [quote=Karen Mac
                    If you are having trouble getting the look you want or your header to fit, let me know what you want in the header and I will customize the template for you.

                    I will need total access to your cpanel, as I dont have time to explain to you how to add another user to your account. Just pm the info as before.

                    5. Is the button you created still there? I don't understand how it rewrites the code if I only tried to add a new link and re-up the directory. I dont see how will I ever be able to trade links if this keeps happening.
                    Yes the RESOURCES button I added is right above your SITEMAP and its still there and working, but the page that WAS your link directory just shows the header and footer, unless i didnt scroll far enough. To me it looks like you put ALL the code in the HEADER.txt in zeus or in the HEADER and Head Info, instead of Header and footer. Clear all of them out and start over and remember to SAVE after you clear all the code out.



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                    • Karen Mac

                      • Apr 2006
                      • 8332

                      Re: page navigation

                      Just for those watching .. i think shes 99% fixed up now.



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