Thumb pic size in shopping cart help needed

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  • Thumb pic size in shopping cart help needed

    I need to make my thumb pictures as big as I can make them in the shopping cart.

    I know where to find the settings for this but I cant seem to get them to change in size.

    My thumb was set to 95pix which is the default and it seems no matter what number I change that to it does not change on the site.

    Is there a max size for this and I am over setting it and that could be my problem?

    I have my main pic set to 650pix and would like my thumb to be the same size if I can.

    I have figured out that just because the main pic is set to 650pix it doesn't make it that big unless the picture is that big or bigger. Its like a max setting.

    I am using the same picture for both the thumb and main pictures.

    Can someone please give me some direction?