Hello there?
I just finished my first website tmautoglass.com.
I'd like to build an online shop which is I wanted to have long ago.
I'm new for this web build and develop thing. So there is lots of questions right next to each other...
1. How much is cost of having on line shop in vodahost (ip address, services and security applications and fees)? Need to have an idea...please?
2. Do I have to use soholaunch (only known for me)?
What I should aware of using this program? Is it harder than bvoda for working on...etc...?
I've read few posts... you guys’ rock... I think I'm in a right place...
I just finished my first website tmautoglass.com.
I'd like to build an online shop which is I wanted to have long ago.
I'm new for this web build and develop thing. So there is lots of questions right next to each other...
1. How much is cost of having on line shop in vodahost (ip address, services and security applications and fees)? Need to have an idea...please?
2. Do I have to use soholaunch (only known for me)?
What I should aware of using this program? Is it harder than bvoda for working on...etc...?
I've read few posts... you guys’ rock... I think I'm in a right place...