Payment Methods

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  • helen
    Staff Sergeant

    • May 2006
    • 48


    Payment Methods

    The manual is pretty useless when it comes to this kind of information. I need to set another site which will be purely a shopping cart - but I need it to be compatible with paymate.

    Does anyone know if Soholaunch works with paymate?
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Payment Methods

    Of all the 'stand-alone' Carts that PayMate lists as being capable of integrating Gateway function with that are also offered by VodaHost via Fantastico auto-install section in cPanel (osCommerce, Magento, Zen Cart), Zen Cart seems to be easiest for most beginners to use quickly and confidently.

    Soholaunch (a Web Builder and a Shopping Cart), however, is not one of the carts that PayMate lists as being compatible.

    Keep in mind PayMate offers a number of solutions that can be easily integrated within a BlueVoda website as well, thus making it even easier to preserve your current look: Open Cart, Mals eCommerce, and their own PayMate Cart (which works like PayPal, referring customers to a secured site/page for transaction processing before returning customers to yours -- which is what you seem to currently be using).

    You can learn more on their Shopping Cart Providers page, and some additional information on PayMate solutions on this page.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

