I know somebody is just gonna love me for asking this, but... here goes.
I love using froogle and I get quite a bit of traffic from it, so I am wanting to create a csv in text format for froogle/ now google base, and the issue I am having is linking to the products. I got the file delimiters to all work using the ';', but there is no link to the actual product. Now I can figure out the image links and concantenate the columns, but, when i get to adding the products links , its not a true link, but more of a "more information link" and that just doesnt work when i plug it in. Not to mention pluggin in links manually for three hundred + products. Additionally I cant find the table to actually download the ACTUAL links to the products. Do I need to create a new table and populate it to do this, or can i use the current product table, and I am just missing the link somehow? Or just missing how to do this simply? <banging head on desk>
Im hoping this was clearer than MUD!
I know somebody is just gonna love me for asking this, but... here goes.
I love using froogle and I get quite a bit of traffic from it, so I am wanting to create a csv in text format for froogle/ now google base, and the issue I am having is linking to the products. I got the file delimiters to all work using the ';', but there is no link to the actual product. Now I can figure out the image links and concantenate the columns, but, when i get to adding the products links , its not a true link, but more of a "more information link" and that just doesnt work when i plug it in. Not to mention pluggin in links manually for three hundred + products. Additionally I cant find the table to actually download the ACTUAL links to the products. Do I need to create a new table and populate it to do this, or can i use the current product table, and I am just missing the link somehow? Or just missing how to do this simply? <banging head on desk>
Im hoping this was clearer than MUD!