Use Zen Buttons on BV?

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  • Vasili
    Re: Use Zen Buttons on BV?

    Originally posted by Vasili View Post
    if you wish to set up a "dummy cart" just to create a specific button to place on this BV site, the answer is NO .... as the secure site itself is required to function as a series of inter-dependent scripts based on a database foundation. A ZEN Cart button will not work anywhere but within a ZEN Cart shopping cart environment. The same goes for any other system-generated button.
    Like I suggested, you need to do some independent research as to how Shopping Carts work, what features are available, how they function inter-dependently, and how the whole process can be customized in order to leverage this superior type of foundation to improve the economics of business online and dramatically fulfilling the Visitor experience in a slick, compliant, and intelligent manner. Besides the fact a true 'Shopping Cart' is entirely favored by the Search engines, comes pre-optimized for better Search Engine Results Page positioning (meaning more potential customers see your site) all on top of being a single integrated platform to process cards upon!

    You are still very confused still as to how PayPal works (and how and why they charge fees); what a Gateways is, does, and why one is required to process transactions; and how eCommerce in general is required to be configured and what (and for what reason) the universal expectations exist, let alone what you can do to leverage for your increased success. Your questions based on this misunderstanding is what makes them unanswerable and seemingly very out of place.

    Once you understand some of the basics a bit more, you will be able to see the ignorance of your questions: it is like asking about the overall value of driving a Ferrari 100 MPH with regard to miles per gallon of someone completely unaware that there are any other engines available for cars that the four cylinder type they are content driving 40 MPH top speed with: there is no comparison, and once again proves 'Ignorance is Bliss.' People are simply reluctant to change, and habituation imprisons innovation always.

    Maybe the best illustration of this principle would be to "compare" your site with Napa's site .... which "shopping cart site" is actually "easier" to understand, to navigate, and the one which is more compelling to create Conversion?

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  • fly fisher
    Re: Use Zen Buttons on BV?

    Thanks for your reply. As you have a PayPal Format on BV which is great. Step1.I use through Paypal Merchant Services the similar process for checkout buttons. Simple to use and munipulate for my site. Step2. What I use through Paypal I pay a fee. NOW if I use any one of these shopping carts,with as many as I need, I will have to pay a Fee?? Then It processes to my gateway card merchant,who again charges a fee?? Added to this I have to create a complete new catalog/Add to cart system such as zen cart or others, when I already have a catalog and I just need add to cart buttons. As Paypal or Google Has.
    Why would this be so hard. When you get emails and calls expressing how wonderful and easy our web site is why would I change?

    Thank You For Your I put.

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  • Vasili
    Re: Can I create an Ad To Cart button (only) from Zen Cart?

    You have a very incorrect conception of a ZEN Shopping Cart script, what it offers, and what it requires.

    If you choose to use ZEN, you will be able to incorporate all the functions involving managing inventory, transacting sales, processing credit cards, and customer maintenance in one seamless script on a slickly designed and ordered platform (site). You will not need to manually process sales over the phone, update inventory quantity, or organize your "catalog" display --- it is done automatically for you. But, it will require you to begin anew to configure this separate and different platform as a new and different website altogether.

    When it comes to holding onto the design of the cart's buttons, this seems completely absurd: you can choose to load a completely different style of buttons into your Cart Styles after searching for them online using "custom ZenCart buttons" as key words in your search, and find sources like these for instance. When it comes to ZEN creating multiple item options, multiple pricing, etc. for transaction buttons, this is entirely up to you during the configuration you specify .... all outlined in great detail multiple times in the ZEN Cart Support Forums.

    You can use the same gateway to connect to your chosen processor, which apparently will allow you to also use the telephonic processing separately from the processing on your ZEN Cart (a convenience, say for in-store sales).

    I suggest you research deeply the functions, requirements, and options available of ZEN Cart before installing it via Fantastico in your cPanel, and to become intimately familiar with Shopping Carts in general so to better have an idea how to properly configure any new installation.

    * But if you wish to set up a "dummy cart" just to create a specific button to place on this BV site, the answer is NO .... as the secure site itself is required to function as a series of inter-dependent scripts based on a database foundation. A ZEN Cart button will not work anywhere but within a ZEN Cart shopping cart environment. The same goes for any other system-generated button.

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  • fly fisher
    started a topic Use Zen Buttons on BV?

    Use Zen Buttons on BV?

    On our web site we are using the PayPal Ad To Cart Buttons.
    We also Use at this time Google Ad To Cart Buttons, as you can see on this page Also on this page we use Multiple Items-Multiple Prices.
    We use a credit card Gate way?? (Pay Junction) to process credit cards over the phone. Using the the Zen cart system, are we able to create the type of buttons that are shown on our web site? We don't want to create a whole catalog. Just ad to cart type buttons for credit card processing on the site.

    Thank You Paul