Starting a shopping cart???

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  • Karen Mac

    • Apr 2006
    • 8332

    Re: Starting a shopping cart???

    Hello Everyone!

    1st let me apologize for my absence. Eh absence makes the heart grow fonder? <joke>

    I had a month of NO internet because I live in the toolies and some GURU got the idea that we could do 1 800 internet, which, The BIG TELEPHONE companies put an abrubt halt to, but not before all the small towns shut down their t1 lines, which had to be reinstalled. Hence NO internet. It will be drug out in court for the next 20 years, so long story short, i finally have access again.

    Back to topic. I used SOHO and CUSTOMIZED one of their templates. IT CAN BE DONE with perserverance, and I started, before my abrubt shut down a store in zencart, in which I also CUSTOMIZED a template. SO with trial and error, Im saying you can do mahvelous things darling, and lots of cussing and keyboard pounding, come up with what you want on your own without paying a dime for someone else to do your customization. If I can do it, and Im an OLD dog, so can you!

    You can view my just completed soho at
    and my start up zencart at

    Karen Mac


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    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: Starting a shopping cart???


      You have done a great job in Sohlaunch....and have done quite a lot of "customization" but I think your assertion of being able to truly customize a template in the same vein as the many previous conversations is a matter of scale, not supposition.

      ANY template can be manipulated to desired performance, but only by those who posess the HTML espertise and focus. As offered to VodaHost clients, Soholaunch truly IS the most "user-friendly" web design tool with eCommerce ability, and can be 'customized' to a level that is immediately usable and satisfying very simply using the Control Panel to insert images, resize text areas, etc. For those desirous of a truly customized Template, the 3rd party providers VH presents can do wonders for even the most modest budgets.

      However, try to understand the perspectives you address herein, and clarify your suppositions within the parameters pre-established for the most universal understanding and benefit.

      Soholaunch, like any other web design tool, has it's own learning curve and performance levels. It is a simplified commerce solution that almost anyone can use without prior experience or special skills required, as demonstratred by the wonderful results you have demonstrated!
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • Karen Mac

        • Apr 2006
        • 8332

        Re: Starting a shopping cart???

        I like Soho, its not the most perfect module I have used, but, it has many things I do like. Yes, The customization I did do was a whole NEW ballgame as it was in php format. While I didnt get as far as customizing, say a sign in area, which, Im sure you COULD do, or would be possible, as it already allows for an auto responder, and a downloadable product. As I go along, and finish my new store, and get another store moved over, Im seriously going to look into programming and customizing SHIPPING modules to allow more than ONE method of shipping rates. I got around this by adding a PRODUCT for 2nd day air, but I am not happy with this result, but it will work for the moment.

        And you are correct, If I hadnt known html, and what to look for where, I couldnt have done it. BTW my links pages are html pages, not part of the storebuilder at all, and I just discovered, I have some editing to do to make the MENU work correctly on them. Footer links work, but the menu doesnt, so, Ive either over edited them, or not edited them correctly, currently, but thats something Im not so concerned with atm, as finishing the front end.

        Karen Mac


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        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: Starting a shopping cart???


          You do know that Soho "mirrors" every php generated page with an HTML version so there is something for the SE's to index, right? Your operational foundations are written in php, within the Soho template and program software?

          You should stroll through the Soholaunch Support Forum (use the link under my signature) to find your specialty shipping script....I am currently doing the same thing for my Soho site. Since I have some complicated shipping schemes (due to the nature of the product I am selling), I might actually have to pay a whopping $30 to get exactly what I want. I too, thought about adding a "line item" to simplify the added shipping options, but I foresaw Quickbooks wouldn't process it properly....

          But, nonetheless, I am glad you see my point: you were in fact able to customize your template satisfactorily, but to a point -- it is not as simple as Blue Voda, nor as complicated as osCommerce, and still it allows a much cleaner and more professional "cart" that Zen, Cube, or some of the other 3rd party solutions often mentioned in our VH Forums. The ability to use a BV 'front-end' linked to a Soho cart is also an option not available elsewhere, and is something that can allow real creativity and self-maintenence to remain a priority.

          And, in the event you wanted to develop an original custom-designed Soho template unlike anything ever seen, the price range of $45-150 is within reach of so many more clients than other so-called solutions with other providers. I simply want VH Memebers and prospective clients to be aware that Soho is not just a web builder tool, and not just an eCommerce shopping cart, but a unique combination of both that they can put their own touches to with a great degree of flexibility, but not with the unbridled freedom or simplicity that may have been announced earlier....
          That wouldn't be fair. It is important that anyone entering into a website building effort that will include commerce carefully and dutifully consider the options, capabilities of both the cart and themselves, and the anticpated results to see if they meet the requirements or demands.

          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • Bethers
            Major General & Forum Moderator

            • Feb 2006
            • 5224

            Re: Starting a shopping cart???

            Vasili, Soho told me they couldn't do what I wanted with shipping - and they also told me - and I got it in writing - that the se's will not read their individual product pages because of how they are written.

            Oh, they did then tell me they could help me modify a shipping module - but the cost was so prohibitive that I couldn't consider it - and one shipping method was totallly unacceptable to me.

            I also was told by Soho that I could NOT have more than 6 options on a product - which I'm sure someone who could figure how to modify (as my good friend Karen has done) would be able to do - but how the heck would a candle store do with only being allowed 6 colors or scents?

            Anyway - I like lots about Soho - but after struggling with many of these things that I'm not good at - Karen, you amaze me with how you grabbed onto some of this and made the changes - I had to look at my limitations and switch - which is how I ended up back on BV (after building the complete A Child's Palace on Soho) and with Cart Manager as my shopping cart - who has ALL the options I wanted and more.

            Wow that was long-winded - but it is also why I tell lots of people Soho might not be for them - cuz some things can't be done unless you have a lot of technical knowledge that many of us don't have - and I like to KISS - Keep it simple, stupid - yep, I call myself stupid! :)
            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

            SEO and Marketing Tools
            SEO - The Basics


            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: Starting a shopping cart???

              Originally posted by Bethers
              Vasili, Soho told me they couldn't do what I wanted with shipping - and they also told me - and I got it in writing - that the se's will not read their individual product pages because of how they are written.

              Oh, they did then tell me they could help me modify a shipping module - but the cost was so prohibitive that I couldn't consider it - and one shipping method was totallly unacceptable to me.

              I also was told by Soho that I could NOT have more than 6 options on a product - which I'm sure someone who could figure how to modify (as my good friend Karen has done) would be able to do - but how the heck would a candle store do with only being allowed 6 colors or scents?

              Anyway - I like lots about Soho - but after struggling with many of these things that I'm not good at - Karen, you amaze me with how you grabbed onto some of this and made the changes - I had to look at my limitations and switch - which is how I ended up back on BV (after building the complete A Child's Palace on Soho) and with Cart Manager as my shopping cart - who has ALL the options I wanted and more.

              Wow that was long-winded - but it is also why I tell lots of people Soho might not be for them - cuz some things can't be done unless you have a lot of technical knowledge that many of us don't have - and I like to KISS - Keep it simple, stupid - yep, I call myself stupid! :)
              I am having an entire custom script written for my shipping schedule, and I thought $30 was an error, but that is the total cost. I have even seen a slightly different version already being used on a previous clients' site. SO, until I have it fail or succeed on MY site, I have to believe it will also work for me. Funny, it is similar to OSC, but very different somehow...I dunno, I rely on Template Zappers (the guys who did my template) to dedicate themselves on my behalf!

              Line item categories ARE limited, clearly stated in the User Manual and in the demo versions published (their example is "shirts" I recall, and "sizes" of same shirts), but this is dually so limited due to the fact they are a single SKU (item number). Creation of "sub-categories" is unlimited if written as an extension of the same root item number but assigned a suffixed "style" number (which can be labeled as a 'location' or variant). It is a simple plug-in to create an added "line" inventory suffix number to keep it sorted and relationally presented.

              And...most importantly....Soho (as OSC) mirror-writes everything in a HTML file that is php presented in the template (the website proper). I could care less if the HTML site is in the corner inaccessible to anyone but the SE's....the fact that it is there to be searched is enough for me. AND that it remains an updated file, dynamic in nature, not simply replaced (as part of the SQL database, to be "presented" via the template as pure php). This can be recalled by anyone reading the first lines of the User manual when trying to "customize" a Flash/php template beyond intentions. **As a matter of fact, that is why I am presently looking into protecting the files from rogue bots without restricting the spiders with the right kind of ****file/botscript.

              I followed your early advice to "Plan my work, and work my plan" without resorting to starting over or paying through the nose again. I have been listening, learning, investigating, even going blind poring over all the **** in 3 Forums trying to not only find solutions to my maniacal logistics but to remain calm in the process!!! It has NOT been always easy or fun, to say the least. I have come to the conclusion that most of these initially indimidating technologies are in fact quite fragile and unstable, and as I further my interests, I am able to actually correct this to some degree by identifying opportunities to mold according to my vision (which contributes to the community).

              And, nearing the completion of the initial stages, I still believe that Soho is more versatile and "professional" than ZEN, CUBE, or MALS, less complicated than OSC (to me), and completely worthy to wholeheartedly recommend to VH clients. It was my choice to require a customized template and customized application, and because I can present my "project" in such a clearly defined manner, I pay accordingly for my demands --- something above and beyond what is expected from successful application by any VH client!

              It would have been extremely appreciated, however, to have a VH provided "feature comparison" illustration somewhere to begin the process (just like you see when deciding which software version to buy), and a clearer Sticky to define functionality of a BV Front-end. Maybe that is simply wishful thinking. Or, better, an article I should prepare to post myself? I have to keep reminding myself that I have 2 OSC sites yet to complete....Arrrghhhh!
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • Karen Mac

                • Apr 2006
                • 8332

                Re: Starting a shopping cart???


                You are 100% correct. There is NO canned software or cart that I have come across that is perfect and without limitations. Yes SOHO was much easier for me to GRASP about editing modules, understanding the PHP format. Nor is there one with canned templates that I adore, or dont want to "fix". Of the available ones I have come across, SOHO is definately my reccomendation price wise, and usability wise, and professional display wise. Across the board SOHO is one of the best options out there, for the end result. Soho is simple enough that you dont NEED html knowledge to build a credible storefront, but accessible enough that you can customize, and can do it yourself, if need be with some fair html knowledge under your belt. Wow my English is really up to par this evening. In fact I have been helping a signup with installing soho cart and what you can and cant do with it. I think they signed up under Bethers, but we are all buddies, so we all help each other!

                There are other builders out there, which require ALOT MORE money, which may APPEAR to give you bells and whistles, but, you are limited in areas about what you can access and edit yourself. IMPORTANT areas like htacess, controlling one hundred percent of your hosting and domain, ability to customize the templates without paying their programming to do it, etc etc. Also their hosting charges are astronomical. I can tell you right now that i was paying $24.95 per month PER STORE. Im in absolute pig heaven that I am now doing it for around $5.50 a month, ok...currently $8.50 a month for the static domain etc, for all the stores I CAN BUILD practically. And that didnt include what i paid for UPFRONT use of the software, and I will tell you right now for three stores was roughly $3000 bucks. So that ought to make those of you who think you need to go shopping, or, think you arent getting a TOP VALUE, because I can tell you otherwise. I consider it my college education in internet sales and merchandising. :)

                Its been my experience, with even windows, that nothing comes perfect in the software world, it all must be tweaked. So, the value of voda, plus the FREE SOHO is worth way more than most folks realize, and, the customer service that is provided here is wayyyyyyy more valuable than many other companies, and these are things I can tell you from a COSTLY learning experience, that you folks, myself included, however you got here, truly dont know the value of, until you have been on the other end of that stick.

                Karen Mac


                Your Website People!
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                • Bethers
                  Major General & Forum Moderator

                  • Feb 2006
                  • 5224

                  Re: Starting a shopping cart???

                  And I still prefer my method of using BV to build and using my Cart Manager shopping cart - is why there are so many different methods for so many of us!
                  A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                  SEO and Marketing Tools
                  SEO - The Basics

