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Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

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  • Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

    Please review my first website aimed at a particular market in the USA.

    The usual stuff please, colour, speed, mistakes, does it get the message across, and anything else that may come to your mind.

    The Wedding Dress Market (USA)

    If anyone in the USA would like to act as our local reps, would you please contact me via the contact form on the above site.

    have fun
    Have fun
    Regards..... David

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  • #2
    Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

    First, you'll need to re-read it or have someone in the US re-read it - to get rid of terms we don't use - like adverts. We says ads for the shortened version here :).

    I love those colors - but not on this website - it's just a bit too much for me - not sure what I'd change, but would prefer less colors. (Get more opinions on that - might just be me).
    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

    SEO and Marketing Tools
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    • #3
      Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

      I like the site and the idea... You may want to think about a more subtle font style. A hand written type may soften up the pages.. Ken


      • #4
        Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

        Hey there,

        You need subdued colors
        Sharon Chajin


        • #5
          Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated


          it's been a while. :) I've been around but so busy that I don't think I've been to vodahost in about a month or so.

          Anyway, the site looks cool.... looks really nice. The colors are a little too pink for me, but I guess you're trying to attract the females with this site, so I'd say you're in good shape. ;) The thing about colors and a site for wedding dresses is that you need a site that is at least colourful, so the result is that the pictures of the dresses look even better/nicer. I kind of use that "color/lack of color" in my own stuff. Seems to work for me and you're doing a pretty good job of it here. If I wanted to be really picky, I'd say the background needs to be darker. Just to help contrast to the pics... not a big deal though.

          I'm not sure what the "USA demo" thing is that shows up on each page. But if that's just there to show that the site is a "demo" then I'm not worried about the fact that it's blocking access to some of the links that it's hovering over.

          I'll try to look at it more later but I'm trying to make my rounds here and get a little more active on this board that I've neglected for a couple months now. :(

          Good luck tweaking and cleaning it up. Looks nice.


          • #6
            Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated


            Thanks to you all for taking the time to give me some feedback............

            Beth and Sharon, any ideas on change of colour.
            What colour would either of you use or would like to see at this type of site??????

            Kenb, can you name such a font that would be a universal ??

            George, nice to see you around again and thanks for your encouragement.
            and yes, my thinking on colours is that universal saying:
            "Pink for a girl and blue for a boy" but thats why I asked for comments on colour amongst other things.

            The demo placard put across 2 messages:

            1)..Special offer for 20 free ads for the 1st 20 ex-brides who place their once worn wedding dress with us. (site has nothing to sell at the moment)

            2)..It would be cheating if I used photos from my UK site so I have made it clear that those 3 pages are for demo purposes only.

            3)..The link back to the UK site gives the visitor a much clearer picture of what we can achieve for them.

            Anyone else care to review my site please....................all comments will be appreciated.

            The Wedding Dress Market (USA)

            have fun
            Have fun
            Regards..... David

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            • #7
              Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

              Hi David,
              Not that I can say I am in the market for a wedding dress? But what a good idea for a site. Have to agree with the others on the colour (Bit pink for me) Bottom left picture on the front page would only half load for me??? But that might be to do with my end of things. Might be able to blend the Google ads in with a better colour??

              Good luck

              Regards Chris.

              Collectables, Collecting,


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              • #8
                Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

                I think if you just soften the colors - and get rid of the heavier background for the header - it would work. Make the background a pale version of pink - then a "slightly" darker version for the highlights - not so strong as now. (Pastel background colors for that would be good)

                Here is the number one US site on Google for used wedding dresses: www. usedweddingdresses . com (I put in extra spaces to not give them credit on this forum - so it's not clickable). You can do much better than them - but the subtlety there is good. American women like soft and subtle - not in your face - for this type of store.

                I like the type used for the left links on this store- but it's a little TOO pale for me (hard to read - so needs to either be a tad darker OR a tad bigger type) www. budgetbridalgowns. com (again not clickable - not giving them any links here either :).

                Good luck - I do like the pinks for your store - just tone them down and make it less "in your face".
                A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                SEO and Marketing Tools
                SEO - The Basics


                • #9
                  Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

                  What a great idea!
                  Colours..Pink is good, but lose the bright pink in the title and as a border, maybe try a turquoise (never could spell that word!) or a lilac link you have used for the buttons on "Sell" and "Place". Keep to the very pale pastel colours and they tend to work together- have a look a paint sample card!
                  The bottom left photo on the index only half loaded when I looked (tried it twice).
                  Also, I found that the Dizzie Lizzie photos looked rather squashed. No woman wants to think she will look short and wide in her new gown!!!! Make em taller.



                  • #10
                    Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

                    I like soft colors like blue
                    Sharon Chajin


                    • #11
                      Re: Time to expand - Feedback appreciated

                      maybe a soft ivory - more weddingish looking with silver or soft pinks - I'm sorry to say but my first thought was "tacky" maybe needs something romantic here and there doves, flowers, bells? it just turned me off
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