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Keep it Real

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  • Keep it Real

    Not quite finished but want some input before I present it to my community.

  • #2
    Re: Keep it Real

    All good... except for the index page.. too wide.. best without side scrolling.


    • #3
      Re: Keep it Real

      Didnt take that into account I forget I have a wide screen.
      hmmmm. On one hand I want all to view it ez on the other
      I know all gamers in my community run at least 19in 1280x1024.
      what to do what to do hmmmm.


      • #4
        Re: Keep it Real

        By reducing it you are safe with everyone even visitors from outsite your community.


        • #5
          Re: Keep it Real

          Have to agree with Carlos here! There is many out there that still go by the 800x600 rule with 15" screens, plus laptop users.
          Not sure about this part! But if you have games via you site? Maybe have those pages with a choice of screen size. IE:800x600 as standard & a 1280x1024 as a link.

          Like the looks! Good luck.

          Regards Chris.

          Collectables, Collecting,

          House build project


          • #6
            Re: Keep it Real

            Really good graphics, looks the part!
            (Didn't understand a word of the site as I'm not a gamer)
            On an ease of use point I would not use all capitals for the text on "About the 5th" as it is hard to read.
            Also, the "Alliance home" link should probably open in a new window as I think it is to another site?
            Well done otherwise.



            • #7
              Re: Keep it Real

              Hey - I like the site. Dark and mysterious feel to it. :)

              A couple things. You will probably want to create "thumbnail" pictures of those screenshots. It'll make the load time go faster. You can still set them the same size they are on the page already, but since you have the original size pic crammed into that small space, it'll just take some computers a longer time to load. Especially once you get a lot more screenshots on there. If you don't downsize the thumbs, the load time will be pretty hefty.

              Then again, once it's loaded on the thumbnail page, it won't take any extra time to load if you click on it. hmm... I don't know. But my internet connection is slow today. Probably because everyone's home for the holiday, and what better to do than surf the net. :)

              I'm not sure if this was something you missed or planned on purpose, but your "mouse over" colors are different on the "Alliance Home", "Ventrillo", etc. buttons and are hard to read with the button color... white one white. I like the red... clashes a bit, but it's good for the hover color.

              I myself am also on a widescreen monitor (1920x1200) so it's fine for me, but I spend many hours revamping my site when I started, once I realized how annoying it was to avoid the sideways scroll for the lower res monitors. Looking at it now, I couldn't tell if you already fixed it or not... because there's still lots of room on either side. :)

              Also, on your BV pages, check and be sure the centering in on. It looks like you ran into some issues I had sometimes - where I set the page to be centered and added a picture, which loaded OFF the page and ended up pushing the horizontal bar over... thus putting the page off-center. Does that make sense. Just check your horiz. allignment bars. (maybe you meant for it to be slightly off-center (to the left)? )

              Anyway, I hope I've been of some help. I like your choice of fonts and colors. Very good for this type of site.


              • #8
                Re: Keep it Real

                Thanks for the input all i will make those adjustments.
                I still need to go thru each page and do the center thing and check all links.
                ive learned a ton on this one. cant get the calendar to show month by default . 1920 x 1200 nice!! there is a dell 30 inch that will run like 2050 x 1600 thats on my wish list.


                • #9
                  Re: Keep it Real

                  I'm a gamer to mate. Maybe put some screenshots in. If there are some I missed em'. Great site though. I honestly love it. Oh yeah, I play Guild Wars.


                  • #10
                    Re: Keep it Real

                    When you create a website you have a group of users in mind. In your case gamers, I gather that not only are wide screens important but so is music and fast movements. This translates to faster and better computers or laptops. And bigger screens.

                    Ask around, if your interest and community is at 1280 stay with it. Those of us at 800 are there for other reasons = sales.

