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Mind checking out my site?

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  • Mind checking out my site?

    I hope you folks don't mind checking out my site. I'm by no stretch a web designer so any suggestions will be apreciated.


  • #2
    Re: Mind checking out my site?

    Its a nice site and pretty well laid out.
    A couple of things to do.
    Line up all the menu buttons on each page, they jump about a bit as you change pages.
    I think the home page should just have a little bit of what its all about so that viewers know whats going on inside.
    Make the forum open in a new window.
    I like it because its all easy on the eye, the colour scheme is very pleasant.


    • #3
      Re: Mind checking out my site?

      how do i go about opening the forum in a new window using a nav bar? I don't see an option for it.


      • #4
        Re: Mind checking out my site?

        Hi Purple P,

        Wow you have taken on quite a task, what a great project, I thoroughly enjoyed reading and looking at all the pics ....Would be great if you could put some more info about the theatre tho ...FE. how old it is, when it was built you know a bit of history could theme your website to that era it retro? .....heres a website that might inspire some ideas

        Retro Nostalgia Nostalgic Party Gift Shop Retro Memorabilia

        Just put Theater ( I think thats how you spell it over there) in the search.

        Agree with Roy to about having a little something on the front page of what its all about ..maybe even just a title saying ...The Old Rialto Restoration could also make a few pennies putting some related google ads on your site.....take a look at google ads section of vodahost forums...

        Your doing a great job! ..keep taking the pictures :o)
        Click the link below for page guidelines (no more sideways scroll)

        How to Center your page


        • #5
          Re: Mind checking out my site?

          Originally posted by Purple Penguin
          how do i go about opening the forum in a new window using a nav bar? I don't see an option for it.
          In answer to your question about opening your forum in a new window ...i'm not sure but I think its as simple as setting your target to blank on your forum link on your menu bars....right click on your menu bar in bv highlight forum link then click "edit" and you will see .."target" ..set to blank save n republish.....but if i'm wrong i'm sure someone will be along to put you on the right path :o)

          Dont forget tho you will have to do that on all of your menu bars on every page.
          Click the link below for page guidelines (no more sideways scroll)

          How to Center your page


          • #6
            Re: Mind checking out my site?

            Hey there,
            I like it, well laid out and esy to navigate. Keep up the good work.
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            • #7
              Re: Mind checking out my site?

              Nice work. The out front pictures loaded pretty quick. The site has a nice look and feel.. Good luck with the project.


              • #8
                Re: Mind checking out my site?

                Looks great . THe only think I can see if to center the type and pages . Other than that its easy to read and navigate.Good Luck .
                LOL ( u can buy anything on ebay) soooo true
                check us out on the web


                • #9
                  Re: Mind checking out my site?

                  Nice site, easy to read and navigate. Nice and simple (unlike the work you've got ahead of you on the theatre!!!!). Good Luck



                  • #10
                    Re: Mind checking out my site?

                    Nice work, now for some tweaking:
                    -check the links on this page: Pictures takes you to the Forum and Forum to Home. the other links are mixed up too.
                    -No contact us, Actually, at end of the About Us page, very hidden and not linked. Users would have to copy and paste e-mail.
                    -Consider adding your email to the fund raising page.
                    -Center your pages too. Home page already is.

                    Good luck with the reconstruction


                    • #11
                      Re: Mind checking out my site?

                      Great site mate!


                      • #12
                        Re: Mind checking out my site?

                        okay, I've centered all the pages and fixed the navagation bars. I also added a bit more to the fund raising page and the home page.

                        any more suggestions that might help?


                        • #13
                          Re: Mind checking out my site?

                          Ok! Sorry I just noticed this lol! Ok so you've got one big logo right? Well this is MY thought. You don't have to listen , lol, but just a thought. Ok, so I think that you should maybe add some more information and stuff to the homepage. Maybe some pictures or just add a forum with suggestion or somthing. My idea.


                          • #14
                            Re: Mind checking out my site?

                            I've updated the website a little bit to something that, I think, looks a little less home made. Right now it's only the home page and fund raising page that has been altered but I plan on having the rest of the site looking the same within the next few days.

                            please tell me what you think of the changes so far.




                            • #15
                              Re: Mind checking out my site?

                              Hi PP,

                              I think its a great improvement...looks good ...would look even better with some different buttons tho :o) the donation plaque to ...great idea..but that page needs centering its a little off to one side ....its looking good tho ;o)
                              Click the link below for page guidelines (no more sideways scroll)


                              How to Center your page

