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To be honest, I just sent any one of the links. I'm sure shinystat would be a better choice...afterall they're all free so ya lose nothing for trying them!
Good luck with your site! Being a man, I can't find anything bad to say about your site! Looks very nice, really! Nothing on the Nav buttons yet, so I'll have to check back! Shop for my wife perhaps! Take care!
Thanks Everyone ,i appreciate you taking the time to look at my site,i,m going to start on the link pages soon,i,m realy enjoying making the site lol.
I tried to put a counter on from free stats,i copied the html code and inserted it into my page but when i previewed it it just came up as text,do i need to put anything with it? as i just put it at the bottom of my page but just got the text code and no counter.
I,ve been reading the forums over the last few days,and everyones realy helpfull and friendly.
I,ve had a look at other posters sites and everyones site is fantastic,realy professional looking.
Actually it took me almost 2 days to get that code I can't tell you the problems I had getting those input boxes to redirect to the actual PHP script.
The absolute truth is that if I want logins of any type that I want to use in regular HTML I first go to the PHP site (or site that has the login you want) with internet explorer. Then "save" the webpage as HTML with images somewhere you can remember. then open up that HTML with a web editor. I used Bluevoda 7.0's new feature for this. Just open up the HTML you saved, you will notice it has the Login Boxes in the html. I just cut that entire block with the input boxes and text since it has the links to the actual PHP embedded in that HTML, and keep working with it, changing the box sizes, puting the code on a page by itself and checking to see if it works. I don't know if you get this error, but it kept trying to load the PHP from my computer, so the login kept failing. what I figured out was I had the link right but since it was reading from my computer it wasn't working, soon as I uploaded to the net the link worked.
Also, after you get the html to work, you just create your webpage in Bluevoda and put an HTML block where you want your login to be, - Cut and Paste the actual HTML for the login into that HTML block and keep moving the block and previewing it until its finally in the right spot. - Hope this helps! it was a pain for me as well!