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Very nice. You have a done a good job.
Great work on the butterfly logo too.
The colors are subdued, the NavBar might be a bit longer than some users like and the butterflies could be a bit too much. Interesting reading.
p.s. your blog is empty so consider a welcome or something about EFT.
My only comment is that it's usually not a big website that plays with the silly codes to disable right click. I just find that amusing - since that doesn't stop anyone from seeing the code or getting access - just takes away one avenue of it - and actually probably makes some people decide to go see what someone thinks they don't want seen.
Doing that also seems at odds with what the website is about -
very nice site :) i myself believe in the no right click to me its an added security that your materials wont get snatched and used but as Bethers states theres away to get around them my wife showed me that but as long as you have everything copyrightedyou really wouldn't need the no right click just get an attorney and press charges to the site that may have your copyrighted materials.
Nice site.. very soft and classy.. even though I am not a fan of banner busy sites, but then again when your site is all about affiliate products, sometimes there is no other way..
Really nice site, nicely laid out, easily navigation throughout ... colours are calming ... I find it interesting that you use golf as the sport to highlight for this technique .. here in Canada, golfing is popular after one reaches a certain age and can no longer keep up or want to keep up with the rigors of an active sport like hockey, baseball, racing, or any much more demanding sport both physically and mentally, we usually turn to golf as it is a less physical and mentally demanding sport and use it for relaxation, although this is relative to amateur golfers.
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