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Almost Finish

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  • Almost Finish

    Hi everyone

    im almost finish my real estate site
    i change logo and domain.

    Your comments are welcomed.


  • #2
    Re: Almost Finish

    Theodore! VERY NICE!! I love it! Just a few suggestions. On your home page you have 3 moving banners and I think that distracts from the very professional site you have created. Maybe one, but I wouldn't have 3 of them. Honestly...that is the only negative I could find. Positives? Lots... Photos are beautiful, layout, colors, etc. There is one link that doesn't work "Best Value/Money. Also you may want to check your spelling on the Post your property popup. I saw a few misspelled words. Great job and I hope you sell a lot of homes in Greece!
    Cindy Smentowski


    • #3
      Re: Almost Finish

      Looking very good. After I entered, I agree it was a tad busy - and that could be a deterrent - and one of the pics isn't displaying - I think it's supposed to be an ad.
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      • #4
        Re: Almost Finish

        That's a nice website.. Very classy and compact.. I agree with the comments about it being busy with all the Maquee effects.


        • #5
          Re: Almost Finish

          Very nice site, nicely laid out, easy to get around and I agree too with the use of three marquees, one is probably enough, and if I were to choose, I would keep the bottom one, it seems this is the one that you will be changing throughout each month, the rest seem like a permanent part of your site ....

          great job!


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          • #6
            Re: Almost Finish

            It is very nice. I saw it the first time and you have changed alot. I still believe that the sentence We have been present in the industry or whatever it was, present is not the correct word in english. It might read ......we have been active or we have been active in........We have blank years experience in....but that is your call.
            Good luck, it should serve you well.


            • #7
              Re: Almost Finish

              Thanks everyone.

              I made some changes taken account your comments.

              If someone could help me with english spelling i would appreciate it

              take a look now!!!





              • #8
                Re: Almost Finish

                I like it very much!

                I would suggest correcting the line: 'this month oportunity' to:
                'This Month's opportunity':

                Nice pictures, very proffessional!
                Brad Arnold.......

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                • #9
                  Re: Almost Finish

                  Just a few items
                  1. On your Home Page: Live a myth on a Greek Island
                  2. I don't think you need the drop down box on home page when you can click on the islands
                  3. Much better slowing down the banners and getting down to only 2. And I like the way the top one fades into the white.
                  4. What currency are you using in your loan calculator. Are you trying to appeal to the American market. If so you may want to use US currency or at least be consistent throughout, whatever you use.
                  5. All of your links appear to work just fine. A Very nice site!
                  Cindy Smentowski


                  • #10
                    Re: Almost Finish

                    Might change interested for to interested... in. also change gold opportunity to golden ......Also there are no misspelled words on you site.

