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First web site

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  • First web site

    This is my first try. Any thoughts and constuctive critisism welcome.
    What do you guys think/

  • #2
    Re: First web site

    Duh!! forgot the link. Here it is,


    • #3
      Re: First web site

      Hi Kamoto,

      I like the way you present your business. The pictures are beautiful and are inviting to rent an apartment. And of course the Algave is superb.
      Try to center the page and resize your pics.
      I hope you'll generate a lot of visitors to your site.



      • #4
        Re: First web site

        kamoto .... you've done a great job, well organized ... can't seem to find anything wrong ... you could shorten your index page, you don't have to ... can't say I am fond of that green/blue color, but that is just preference, probably many like it ... you've done a great job photos are really nice and the food is very yummy and the apartment is great too ....

        good luck


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        • #5
          Re: First web site

          Thankyou. It is always difficult choosing colors and as you say its a matter of preference but the more comments I get will make me look at that. I appreciate your comments. Thanks


          • #6
            Re: First web site

            Dont like your background colour.Your Nav buttons change positions on some pages which was confusing eg tell a friend page is different. Keep your nav buttons the same throughout. On the tell a friend page you have extra buttons for links, why dont you put these on the main menu. Your thumbnail images are too small carnt really see what i'm clicking on. Didnt see a map of the apartments exact location. Your list of events - which year are they for - 2007? Nav buttons need the corners knocking off or choose a different button. Dont think I saw what the apartment looked like from the outside, I would want to know that before I booked. On the positive side I think youve done a great job, lots of relevant info easy to read and navigate around (apart from the nav buttons) I'm sure you can fettle it up to a really nice site


            • #7
              Re: First web site

              some prefer not to have a nav button for the very page you are on ... some say if you to, disable it ... personally, I did not mind that this was the format he used .... it saved disabling a nav button and it also saved having a dead button ... i thought that part worked well for me ....

              the thumbnails are small, but the page is quite long as it is, and he has larger photos there, they didnt bother me being small either ....

              lol ... funny eh! just my opinion ...


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              • #8
                Re: First web site

                Thanks . I think the law of averages indicates that a clour change is needed. I will change the nav buttons accordingly. I agree the Photo's are a bit small.
                Thanks for that.


                • #9
                  Re: First web site

                  Nice site - good pictures. I might suggest you put the map and distance table on other pages - with links to the pages on the home page.

                  I'd prefer that your Contact Us page take me to another page on your website - and give me REAL contact info - name, address, etc - and then you can have a link to an email. I shy away from any website that doesn't give me contact info.

                  And I never did figure out what the purpose is - are you trying to rent or sell the apartment? That needs to be readily understood - and if you are - prices certainly help.
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                  • #10
                    Re: First web site

                    Hi Bethers
                    All the rental rates and contact info, availability etc are in the Apartment info page. I see where you are coming from as it is not immediately obvious that the apartment is for rent. I will look into adding another page with maps etc as well as making the contact info more accessable.
                    Great advice, thanks.


                    • #11
                      Re: First web site


                      I never made it down to that region when I lived in the Azores, I did make it to Lisboa a couple of times. Most flights we hopped took us into Spain or Italy. It did remind me alot of the Azores tho. Loved the pictures!



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                      • #12
                        Re: First web site

                        Hi Kamato
                        Nice page. Liked the pictures. I like myself "borders" around a website so I can see where it "goes". Keep up the good work



                        • #13
                          Re: First web site

                          Thanks for all your comments.


                          • #14
                            Re: First web site

                            Hi kamoto,

                            Lovely site , makes me wish I was there lol

                            Have to agree with the above tho about the backgrond colour and the buttons dont really enhance your site...there are better buttons you can have and a colour that would compliment that beautiful sunset you have there..maybe a more subdued shade of the colour you have now?

                            Heres a couple of buttons I found if you want them just right click on them and save as..and save them to c:/programfiles/bluevoda/navbar

                            done a little page so you can see what they look like

                            Click the link below for page guidelines (no more sideways scroll)


                            How to Center your page


                            • #15
                              Re: First web site

                              Thanks Linda
                              Ihave downloaded the buttons and will try them.
                              As for the color , I have to convince my "lady" friend that the site is for to change the color, this might take time !!

