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I've decided on a change..

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  • I've decided on a change..

    I decided that my website was too plain and needed a face lift. I haven't quite finished it yet and this is only a draft copy of the layout which i'm working on in a sub domain so some links may not work and there are no products added. I will then transfer to the live site once done.

    I'm thinking about putting a flash nav bar across the top, under the google adsense bar and removing the menu box from the left. What do you think?

    Please let me know what you think and any suggestions welcome.

    Here it is
    Arcade Ninja - Free Flash Arcade
    FreeGadget4me.Com - Learn how to get free gadgets delivered direct to your door for free

  • #2
    Re: I've decided on a change..

    You'll have to excuse the way my site looks in firefox if you are using this as i have not yet worked out how to sort this yet. If anyone does know how to do this could you please let me know. Thanks
    Arcade Ninja - Free Flash Arcade
    FreeGadget4me.Com - Learn how to get free gadgets delivered direct to your door for free


    • #3
      Re: I've decided on a change..

      looks pretty good but you are missing one element about the payment gateways has nothing like a ssl seal displayed most people won't shop unless there is a seal showing that it is secured whether it be godaddy seal, ssl seal, Thwart seal etc.something that can be clicked on to verify you are secured for the transaction.
      also how did you get your cubecart to have the top layout? i have cubecart and it is plain all i was able to do was move the boxes around a bit i placed the language to top right above shopping basket etc...
      but cannot do aything with background or the way you have your buttons on top.

      Hillbilly Electronics LLC


      • #4
        Re: I've decided on a change..

        this is only the layout, i have got ssl on the live site but just haven't moved this layout over to it yet. To change the top header you need to go into the file called index.tpl which can be found at skins/Legend/styleTemplates/global/ (change 'legend' for whichever skin you're using)

        Once this is opened go to the line of code which says
          <div id="topHeader">
        directly under this input the following, changing the red text for where your flash file is.

          <div align="left"><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="[URL=",0,29,0"],0,29,0[/URL]" width="850" height="190">
                <param name="movie" value="[URL=""][COLOR=red][/COLOR][/URL]">
                <param name="quality" value="high" />
            <embed src="[URL=""][COLOR=red][/COLOR][/URL]" quality="high" pluginspage="[URL=""][/URL]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="850" height="200"></embed>
        To change background images go to /skins/Legend/styleImages/

        2 good forums to use for modding cubecart are as follows

        Arcade Ninja - Free Flash Arcade
        FreeGadget4me.Com - Learn how to get free gadgets delivered direct to your door for free


        • #5
          Re: I've decided on a change..

          thank you sir will check them out
          i like modding

          Hillbilly Electronics LLC


          • #6
            Re: I've decided on a change..

            no worries. glad to help a fellow cuber
            Arcade Ninja - Free Flash Arcade
            FreeGadget4me.Com - Learn how to get free gadgets delivered direct to your door for free

