Opinions, suggestions please for new site

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  • asirimarco
    Brigadier General

    • Jun 2006
    • 1208

    Opinions, suggestions please for new site

    I am debating opening a new web site for my jewelry - here is what I have so far http://www.movingon1.com/sirimarcosindex.html I know if I decide to go for real I will have to get a new domain and change all the links. right now i access it through movingon1.com - still need to add sets and rest of jewelry and contact etc.
    www.MovingOn1.com - My Travel
    www.BeadedCustomDesigns.com - Jewelry
    www.FantasyManorArtStudio.com - Leather Art
  • jboluvs8
    Sergeant Major

    • Apr 2006
    • 97

    Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

    maybe put something like when the site was created or why it was created...maybe something about the designer of hte page...
    Thanks Please Vist My Page http://www.dalejrheadquarters.com


    • asirimarco
      Brigadier General

      • Jun 2006
      • 1208

      Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

      thanks thats a good idea
      www.MovingOn1.com - My Travel
      www.BeadedCustomDesigns.com - Jewelry
      www.FantasyManorArtStudio.com - Leather Art


      • Bethers
        Major General & Forum Moderator

        • Feb 2006
        • 5224

        Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

        I don't suggest doing a "when" you were created - as people don't like to buy if they think you're new and might not be around tomorrow. But having info about yourself and the store is always good.

        You have beautiful pieces. My one comment is that too much italics make it hard to read. On line, italics should only be used in very small doses for emphasis. You also need some spacing between paragraphs and some bolded words here and there so people can easily skim. Very, very, very few people will read all your text.

        As I've told some others on here - jewelry sites are some of, if not the, most competitve sites on line. You will have a long uphill battle for moving up the se's. However, if that company is well known - you might move up faster (forgive me, I don't know them).

        Good luck to you.
        A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

        SEO and Marketing Tools
        SEO - The Basics


        • asirimarco
          Brigadier General

          • Jun 2006
          • 1208

          Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

          thank you your comments are always welcome -italics are gone! spacing is in. ann
          www.MovingOn1.com - My Travel
          www.BeadedCustomDesigns.com - Jewelry
          www.FantasyManorArtStudio.com - Leather Art


          • Julie S.
            First Lieutenant

            • Oct 2005
            • 159

            Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site


            First of all, your jewelry designs are gorgeous! I can't say enough about how talented you are! =)

            I have a jewelry site that is actually doing pretty well so far! =) I've been getting requests for wholesale pricing for placing my jewelry in brick and mortar and online shops. My web site has gone to a Page Rank 4 fairly quickly.

            It does takes lots of work doing all of the right things in the way you build your pages and use your keywords, titles and descriptions. Also, you'll want to have a good "Links" page for link exchanges with similar web sites... the more jewelry sites your site link is displayed on (especially higher ranking ones), the better it is for your site when it comes to search engine recognition. Not to mention it's a great way to develop a little traffic. Also do a search for "Shopping Directories" and make sure you submit your web site to those! Most of them don't cost anything at all.

            Joining jewelry/crafters forums has helped me a great deal too... because you can ask questions and gather lots of really great info about the jewelry/craft business and how to be more recognized online. I am also doing a little advertising at the moment too. Once you get your site completed and perfect... enter an ad in an online Holiday Gift Guide or advertise on a fashion blog. There are lots of those and some of the ones that are more popular cost a bit more, but there are some great ones with plenty of traffic that don't cost much at all or are free.

            Now, with all of that aside... the first thing I noticed that I would change is the way that your "Add to Cart" buttons are a bit scattered. It looked a bit disorganized to me. I think you should place them directly under each design photo... (but, of course it's completely just my opinion, and you should always do what you feel is best. Someone else may think it looks "fun".)

            Well, that's my 2 cents for now (or 10! hehe)



            • asirimarco
              Brigadier General

              • Jun 2006
              • 1208

              Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

              thank you so much for your comments and suggestions - I'm going to print all this info out so that I will be able to find it again. Just looked at your site again - would it bother you if I put my $ pay pal info on the enlargement page like you did instead of on picture page. As I said this is really a site in progress as I'm not even sure I will ever put it up for real
              Thanks again Ann
              www.MovingOn1.com - My Travel
              www.BeadedCustomDesigns.com - Jewelry
              www.FantasyManorArtStudio.com - Leather Art


              • asirimarco
                Brigadier General

                • Jun 2006
                • 1208

                Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

                Before I hit post I meant to say - love the colors and photography on your site. do you do you own photos? I think that is the hardest part.
                http://www.movingon1.com/sirimarcosindex.html ann
                www.MovingOn1.com - My Travel
                www.BeadedCustomDesigns.com - Jewelry
                www.FantasyManorArtStudio.com - Leather Art


                • Julie S.
                  First Lieutenant

                  • Oct 2005
                  • 159

                  Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site


                  Thanks very much for the comments on my site! =) Yes, I take all of my own photos. I hate that part! hehe

                  Sure! You could just put your "Add to Cart" buttons on your enlargement pages. Just make sure you post someplace to "click through for details" or something to that effect.

                  I think you should give the site a shot! You have truly intricate and lovely designs! =) Sure, it's a competitive market... but not all jewelry is the same and everyone has different tastes. Just the right person could come across your site and feel you have just the right designs for their style! If you decide to give it a go... let me know! I'd be happy to help and can also link you to a couple of great jewelry/craft forums where you can ask lots of questions and get some great information about how to go about everything. I certainly don't know EVERYTHING! I learn more every day.



                  • asirimarco
                    Brigadier General

                    • Jun 2006
                    • 1208

                    Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

                    thanks again, like I mentioned I printed out all the info you gave me in 1st post so I don't lose it. I started to make changes to enlargement pages but it will take a while to finish. thanks again ann
                    www.MovingOn1.com - My Travel
                    www.BeadedCustomDesigns.com - Jewelry
                    www.FantasyManorArtStudio.com - Leather Art


                    • naghosthunter
                      Lieutenant Colonel

                      • Aug 2006
                      • 693

                      Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

                      looks great but at times it takes a few to load the navagational buttons but all links are good. good job and nice jewelery. hiding your page from wife or she will cause me to go bankrupt :)

                      Hillbilly Electronics LLC


                      • asirimarco
                        Brigadier General

                        • Jun 2006
                        • 1208

                        Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

                        thanks for comments - working on the loading and reworking pages alll day long - think I have the right format now - except for the necklaces page - it is in process thanks again
                        www.MovingOn1.com - My Travel
                        www.BeadedCustomDesigns.com - Jewelry
                        www.FantasyManorArtStudio.com - Leather Art


                        • asirimarco
                          Brigadier General

                          • Jun 2006
                          • 1208

                          Re: Opinions, suggestions please for new site

                          I forgot that the site has to be reached through http://www.movingon1.com/sirimarcosindex.html if any one else would like to give me some feed back
                          www.MovingOn1.com - My Travel
                          www.BeadedCustomDesigns.com - Jewelry
                          www.FantasyManorArtStudio.com - Leather Art

