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DONE! (i think) Any suggestions?

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  • DONE! (i think) Any suggestions?

    Well I left the world of and a few others and found BV ... think I am better off over here. Spent a lot of time trying new things and hope it works out for my visitors. Any suggestions about driving traffic would be greatly appreciated. Pete

  • #2
    Re: DONE! (i think) Any suggestions?

    need to have your URL so we can look at the site (add it to your signature then you wont have to remember to add it everytime)
    Ann - My Travel - Jewelry - Leather Art


    • #3
      Re: DONE! (i think) Any suggestions?

      Originally posted by asirimarco
      need to have your URL so we can look at the site (add it to your signature then you wont have to remember to add it everytime)


      • #4
        Re: DONE! (i think) Any suggestions?

        Like your site


        • #5
          Re: DONE! (i think) Any suggestions?


          First, the mystery used as a 'hook' is passe, albeit a fair distance above the "info-sites" that proliferate the web each this particular case, however, your style of repetitious hinting versus disclosure only degrades the clever trappings of what is assumed just another MLM.

          On both the EarningsCoach and SmartMove sites, the abscence of hyperlinks and functionality grows from annoying to downright disdain, as your whole content is written to compel the visitor to drill in to discover more, or at least to laterally navigate for more or additional information, and the inability to do so only serves to focus frustration to the point of converting interest to abandonment!

          On SmartMove especially, the missing link to even enter the site is such an obvious gaffe it makes me wonder what your motives for submission to this forum really are...

          Need to point out something regarding the little "disclaimer" plastered on both portal pages: valiant attempt to sound officious, but really poor usage of English form, and very improper use of "actionable" ..... your site is not "actionable" and there is nothing contextually presented that would legitmize the incluson of such a term!
          Would be better as thus:
          Notice: This site contains personal insights, opinions,and original conclusions and is not sponsored, approved, or sanctioned by any entity other than the named individual(s). No statements contained within this site should be interpreted as promsiory, obligatory, or inferred contract in any way. Experiences and examples provided are unique and may not represent actual results for any other past or future participants. Engaging with or following advisories from anyone via this site is at personal liability and risk cpmpletely. Your election to manually enter this site will be considered binding affirmation that you understand and agree with these conditions entirely.


          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *

