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1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

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  • 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

    Hi folks. My name is Randy Barclay. Although I have been reading posts and trying to learn from them, this is my first post!

    I am building a site and would value your feedback. You will find it is pretty simple thusfar. There is SO MUCH I wish to add to the site, but as I am very new to all this, there is SO MUCH I have yet to learn. So when you see me post in other forums, please offer your advice and assistance.

    Check it out and let me know what you think with what I have accomplished to this point.

    Thanks again,


  • #2
    Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

    hi there - just a couple of comments - you might want to lighten up the background or upsize the font - its a little hard to read - maybe bold the words you have underlined usually underlining means a link - also center the first page - everything seemed to work fine
    Ann - My Travel - Jewelry - Leather Art


    • #3
      Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

      Looking good. I agree with asirimarco though. Also try out some of the buttons that BV offers, for the navigation instead of just blue text.
      Just an idea!
      Well done!
      If you need any help, feel free to ask :)


      • #4
        Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

        i agree on nav buttons at first i didn't see them due to being too light.

        Hillbilly Electronics LLC


        • #5
          Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

          Well "F" Yeah man!!

          I have to hand it to ya, I think you have come up with a great Idea. I have checked out many site's up for review on here and I think this idea of yours is great. The "F" bomb combinations are almost infinite. I think the site looks great. You could benifit from a few changes but I think over time you will come up with what looks best. I think you need to make menu stick out more. I also think you should have a shirt for sale on home page so you dont lose potential clients who may not understand as I did not that you were selling something and not just making a political statement. Other than that I think you really could be on your way to financial freedom my freind. Good Luck!!



          • #6
            Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

            Randy: Looking really good for a newbie! lol Your home page needs to be centered. The only other comment I have at this point in the game, is that if possible I would use actual t-shirts. I looks as though you have just manipulated photos and added text? The text is very blurriing. If I am wrong, forgive me. But that's what it looks like. I would invest some money and have some actual t's made up with good photos. Good Luck to you!
            Cindy Smentowski


            • #7
              Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

              Thanks for all of your comments. The photos are from the creation "thingy" at the place the shirts are being printed. I should have some actual shirts by Friday and I will replace the current photos with digital photos once I get them in my hands.

              I will fix the menu by making it lighter, but am unsure how to replace with buttons as I am using a Sholaunch Template. Is it possible?

              Lighten the backround so the text stands out more. Got it.

              Center the home page? I don't understand. Is it because of the Template that I have all that room on the left? Or is the page running past on the right. It looks okay to me (except for all the space on the left caused by the Template).

              Thanks again. I really appreciate your suggestions and encouragement!



              • #8
                Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

                naghosthunter...your site is very have spelling errors...the word "receive" is wrong...remember the old rule of "i" before "e" except after "c".


                • #9
                  Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

                  thanks lynda meant to replace that and forgot thanks for reminding me.

                  Hillbilly Electronics LLC


                  • #10
                    Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

                    You have a good for the political settlement that Morgantiry mentioned...what political statement. It is just a tee shirt with another infantile way of using the word and not getting your hand slapped or what ever the offensive word would bring in the reaction of others...better yet make a statement about something political or not...the uses are infinite. I can hear your reaction to this..but it is only my opinion. You have the skills to come up with a novel idea, this is not it, not just the word but many other things are involved, your niche market. what could that be? Keep trying , like I said you have the makings of a good site.


                    • #11
                      Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

                      Thanks Choco. I DO have a few ideas to fold into the site (once I learn how) that hopefully will make it a place people will want to return to time and again. Intuition and intelligence will guide me from there.

                      As far as the product, my thinking was this: A unique, high-quality, fair priced product will sell itself. In my world, at least, it seems the "F bomb" (or some variation there of ie: freakin, f'n, etc.) is a way of it or not. I also believe that most people tend to want to be noticed AND enjoy engaging in conversation. What I currently offer; as well as, the ideas I have yet to unvail, are not too "in your face", are definitly unique, of high quality, competatively priced, and almost guaranteed to get you attention. I think it's a winning formula. We will see. It's not so much a niche I seek as just a couple thousand people that think the same way I do for each design I create and offer.

                      Thanks again for your input. I hope that someday soon my site will be as attractive as yours. I'm glad I took the time to visit it because here in the states, Tabasco is known primarily as a hot sauce produced in Avery Island Louisiana. And I am not being is a very nice site you have created.



                      • #12
                        Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

                        looking good Randy - try going to page properties and putting a check in the center in browser box - dont know if that will work with a templete or not - much easier to read with lighter background - still have one word underlined "built" 6 paragraph down
               - My Travel
               - Jewelry
               - Leather Art


                        • #13
                          Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

                          It looks good but I agree with Asirimarco, just a few more things.
                          Sharon Chajin


                          • #14
                            Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

                            I'm sorry you took this so personal. I think you have the intellect, skills and imagination to create many successful sites. I do not believe the vast majority of people want to be noticed in this way. It gets a message across but, maybe it is not the right message, therefore the world is this way. "Like it or not" is not the answer, if we cannot change the world we live in by changing what is offensive or just unacceptable to the majority then we need to step back and allow someone else to help. The same is for a website, I did not do it alone, thanks for the compliments....a wonderful lady kept her eye on me while building my site, and SOOO many people here have helped, we accomplished it together. I'll be here to offer congratulations when you create that sucess and have thousands of clients. I wish you luck.


                            • #15
                              Re: 1st Forum post, try at building a site, etc.

                              not bad. Brighten up colors for sure. hopefulyl will have inprovement in future :)
                              Clan FFA-Halo 2 MLG, Machinima, and Glitch Clan

