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Costa Rock is now live on the net

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  • Costa Rock is now live on the net

    Greetings...can you review my website I have the dubious pleasure of being made manager of this group...which I think was another way of them saying we need a website so you can do it!!
    Spanish Senora

  • #2
    Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

    Good work,
    -Your home page is a bit off center.
    -While black is a very good color to play with, conisder giving it some transparency, you have a very nice background and are hiding it.
    -The "copyright" meesage is so small it is hardly readable.

    Buena suerte


    • #3
      Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

      might you want to put a short clip of their music on the site - set up looks good - bios are interesting but the italics makes them a little hard to read
      Ann - My Travel - Jewelry - Leather Art


      • #4
        Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

        I agree with Ann, some music might be nice. It would be expected so noone could complain about music on a musik site.
        Bill is right also as for the Copyright I did not notice it until I read his post a second time. My opinion only and I'm no religious nut )some kind of nut ...but that no.) The Xmas tree and the skull email just don't seem to mix..and neither....does the black. The skull for me is not representative of the type of music mention either...
        Good Looking over all.


        • #5
          Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

          Kewl .... agree with what has been said about adding some tunes if you can, and also like Choco says, the skull really is not represenative of the type of music .... consider another email logo. Also, you could link the image of your email to the actual email address, this would eliminate having the email addres written there, and when someone clicked the image, it would go to email .....

          Nice job! Congrats on your promotion to Manager!!


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          • #6
            Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

            Looking good! Ditto with the above. The meet the band page top image & above needs a bit of centring. May be an idea to use your play list & place a link next to each track with some of your music.
            Gig list would be nice! With some photos of the gigs & even promote the places you play. (They might even chip in with the costs?)
            Be nice if there were a few more bands in the uk with your set. (Do you still play over here?)

            Good luck,

            Regards Chris.

            Collectables, Collecting,


            House build project


            • #7
              Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

              nice site. Loved the bio section. Most band sites seem to lack a good bio section. Hit me up with one of your songs some time! But yes, homepage a bit off center. GOOD WORK
              Clan FFA-Halo 2 MLG, Machinima, and Glitch Clan


              • #8
                Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

                I like the feel of the site - good work.
                A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

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                • #9
                  Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

                  Thank you everyone for your feedback will tackle off centre front page...yep totally agree need to put a bit of music with each track...however trying to workout how to record a little of the track and put it in ...any ideas? OK will lose the skull on reflection does indicate heavy metal opposed to classic rock! and will lose christmas bit may just put in a scrolling banner to wish all visitors a merry christmas...
                  Spanish Senora


                  • #10
                    Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

                    What a small world, I saw your guitarist Dex, play in a Scotish pub called the
                    Brigadoon in Fuengirola a couple of months ago. He is not bad, your site is
                    also pretty good.


                    Your Website People!
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                    • #11
                      Re: Costa Rock is now live on the net

                      Yep DEX gets around...seriously he is an excellent guitarist and plays far better with a band then backing let me know when you are there again and I will let you know where they are playing.....oh no I know what you are all going to say...Put the venues on the website!! I will... x
                      Spanish Senora

