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Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

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  • Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

    Well i think this is my last attempt at doing background changes, i have also redone a lot of stuff and added a few more odds and ends, in the links section you will see website pages as links 1 of them is not a website due to the request of parahaunt they rather have their faces shown instead of website page. also added a podcast, well please check it out.


    Hillbilly Electronics LLC

  • #2
    Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

    We should really talk, I had a ghost that I came by in Colorado. Not all are ghost some are souls that we have lost....I beleive you would be surprised at what is going on in that world.

    The Best, Sharon
    Sharon Chajin


    • #3
      Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

      now replaced sharon much as i love reading ...uh ...what you said above ..well it lost me... in southern terms what are you saying? i am confused at the way you wrote your comment. feeling like a homer simpson here DOH LOL :)

      Hillbilly Electronics LLC


      • #4
        Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

        geesh thats sad getting looks but only 1 response, how is one to know how site looks with only lookers and no responders? lol....come on people it won't hurt i take criticism real good. good bad etc no matter what it is all good. :)

        I am a paranormal investigator not a voodoo priest or someone that is morbid. I believe in god but i also believe that the spirits are still here and wish to communicate. so please don't think i'm a freak. :)

        Hillbilly Electronics LLC


        • #5
          Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

          Come on Jim,
          You are taking it tooooo seriously or should say too personally. The reason you are not getting response probably has to do with people not being online because they have other things to do doing the week and during work hours....look to see if there is indeed someone online that posts comments or help.

          Your site has improved and the only thing I still, do not like is the background that shows tiled image, It is a perfect backgroumd but it is distracting for me, not your site alone, all with the obvious look of tiling. The Centering seems off and your froum changes the basic color scheme.

          I personally do not see what you and others see in the photos, which adds to my conclusion of " see what you want to see, or told to see " if it were there, everyone would see it. It is like seeing forms in clouds. Maybe a spirit world exists. If there is an after life and religions teach that theat there is no pain there, then why can they not avoid seeing the painful things that happen here once they have gone? If they just haven't gone on to another this not sufffering. I know we can only speak from a point where we see from only two demensions and another being may see more..which explains an all seeing God, theory. This is no a put down,the mind is a wonderful thing and you should be able to express your beliefs. Your site is growing and getting better. Don't beat yourself up.


          • #6
            Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

            thanks for comment choco but the background isn't tiled, if i made the settings to 800x600 then it would be tiled so that is why it is 1024x768 to fit page and i havethe background fixed. oh i was kidding i know others are busy it doesn't bother me at all. as for forum it should have stayed at the settings or theme i have it to not basic blue on white will look into it thanks for the heads up. and i agree on the what you see or don't see. some people has the ability to see things that others cannot or hear things others cannot, that is why i don't knock anyone for there perception.

            Hillbilly Electronics LLC


            • #7
              Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

              Hey Jim,

              Didn't mean to scare you... We have a ton of Orbs in some of our photos, all different cameras, different places. Also what I meant about souls is called ADC (After Death Communication). There may be smells, feathers are a sign of a loved one who has passed, sometimes a lite touch. There are many things...OK

              Oh, and my ghost has left us. LOL
              Sharon Chajin


              • #8
                Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

                lol thanks for clarifying, you had me lost is all and ya didn't scare me, neither was i heart broken lol guess i had a brain fart when i read your comment :) but i take no offense i want people to be honest with there opinions thats what make site better is feedback.

                Hillbilly Electronics LLC


                • #9
                  Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

                  I would drop the 'the' in this line
                  North America Ghost Hunters is located in the West Virginia.

                  I think this paragraph below needs to be reworded somewhat, so the flow is better ...

                  We do this to try and give people a fresh mind of what they may be experiencing. We at North America Ghost Hunters do this type of field when necessary due to we all work regular jobs to maintain our households. The funds we receive are from people who make donations helps us with equipment, website, or fuel for travel. All donations are tax deductable, if we recieve equipment for the use of our Investigations.

                  Maybe try this ... (not sure if I am portraying what you are trying to say, so you may need to change a little or something.)

                  At North America Ghost Hunters we realize you may be experiencing paranormal activities and we are here to give you a fresh mind of what you may be experiencing. With regular full time jobs of our own, we enter the field when necessary and appreciate the donations given to us from people like yourself, that aids us with the equipment, travel and promotion needed. Equipment purchased for use by our investigators makes your donation tax deductable.

                  And this one too ....
                  We as a non profit organization charge "no fee" for our services. So if anyone charging a fee they may not be legit Paranormal Investigators or Ghost Hunters

                  Try this ...

                  Paranormal Investigators or Ghost Hunters are members of non-profit organizations. There is "no fee" for our services. Be certain of the legitimacy of your Ghost Hunter.

                  Jim ... you site is loading very quickly now. I'll keep looking.


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                  • #10
                    Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz


                    I see alot of typos and editing that needs to be done to this page ....

                    I've attempted twice to enter it here, but I continue to time out ....

                    I shall do it on word before I post it here again .... lol

                    I'll be back .....


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                    • #11
                      Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

                      okay back with this page ....

                      Jim ... these are only suggestions, just my thoughts, and use them if you like or not if you don't ... no matter ...

                      The black is your current wording, the red are my suggestions for change ....

                      These photos along with all the rest on this page was taken by my wife and myself during our vacation June '06 at the Battery in Charleston S.C.

                      The following are photos taken by my wife and I during our vacation to the Battery, Charleston, South Carolina in June of 2006.

                      History says that for over 500 years people were hanged for their crimes amoung the trees, and some hasn't but mostly slaves, land owners, pirates, and god knows who else. NO photos were altered in any way.

                      According to history, for over 500 years, people were hung among the trees for their crimes, mostly slaves, land owners, pirates and others. These photos have not been altered.

                      This photo was taken on The Battery located in CharlestonS.C. If you click on link it will open a magnifier popup and look at the red circled area. it looks like a small female child with curls around 3 - 5 years of age.

                      This photo was taken at the Battery, Charleston, SC. If you click on the link, a magnifier will open and take note of the red circled area. This appears to look like a small female child with curly hair, around 3 -5 years of age.

                      This is a close up in case the zoom doesn't show clarity from photo above.
                      A close up of the above photo.

                      This photo was taken by my wife as my son was climbing some cannon balls just bleow the shot. but i noticed something in background looks like a young girl or lady wearing a white old victorian style dress.

                      This photo was taken by my wife as my son was climbing the cannon balls just below the shot. I noticed something in the background. It appears to look like a young girl or lady wearing a white Victorian style dress.

                      Again if clarity is good click photo to open new popup window for clarity.
                      Click the link to open a zoom photo.

                      This photo was taken soon as my son fell off the bench, when we got home we spotted a figure or face in the red circled area my wife said she saw what seems to be part of shoulders as well. but it looks like an africa american as he was hanged with same expression in death.

                      This photo was taken as soon as my son fell off the bench. When we arrived home we spotted a figure or face as depicted in the red circle. My wife sees what seems to be part of a shoulder. It appears to look like an African American as he was hung with the same expression of death.

                      Hmmm looks like we had an audiance at the time of this photo. the wife wanted a picture of the homes in the background but when we returned home we spotted several faces wanting a picture to look around you may find more.

                      Hmmmm … looks like we had an audience at the time this photo was taken. My wife wanted a picture of the homes in the background. When we returned home, we spotted several faces wanting a picture. Look around you may find more.

                      More than meets the eye

                      In this photo we were taking a picture of the height from my son and the cannon. when we were looking at the photo we have spotted several faces around the palmetto tree see how many you can find.

                      In this photo, we were taking my son’s height against the cannon. When reviewing the photo we spotted several faces around the palmetto tree. Have a look and see how many you can find.

                      I notice a few areas that you have ended a sentence with a period but do not continue the next sentence with a capital.

                      I notice a few areas where you refer to your wife as "the wife" ... no ... refer to her as her name or "your wife" ... not "the wife" ....


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                      • #12
                        Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

                        North America Ghost Hunters is located in the West Virginia.

                        Actually should be

                        North America Ghost Hunters are located in West Virginia.


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                        • #13
                          Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz


                          You write ...

                          North America Ghost Hunters has collected some sites that has captured good evps electronic voice phenomena, please check out our links.

                          Maybe just this


                          Check out our links to find sites that have captured good evps electronic voice phenomena.


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                          • #14
                            Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

                            This board has had 2636 visitors in total since Sat Nov 11, 2006 3:52 am

                            You are doing well with your forum ... good for you!!


                            Your Website People!
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                            • #15
                              Re: Last and Final attempt check all pages plz

                              lol thanks lady made the changes looks better. thanks for the tips on my grammer.

                              Hillbilly Electronics LLC

