Hi everybody!
I have finished my site completely www.art-n-gift.com.
But I still not sure if everything is OK and interested in any feedbacks and/or suggestions either positive of negative.
Please take a look at my site and let me know what you do you think.
We are welcoming a new Artists who will decide to join us.
Just looking for glitches, errors, misunderstandings and typos right now.
Thanks a lot for your time and help...
I have finished my site completely www.art-n-gift.com.
But I still not sure if everything is OK and interested in any feedbacks and/or suggestions either positive of negative.
Please take a look at my site and let me know what you do you think.
We are welcoming a new Artists who will decide to join us.
Just looking for glitches, errors, misunderstandings and typos right now.
Thanks a lot for your time and help...