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Youve made a great start but you need to set your page properties it will save you a lot of work in the long run, if you click on the link below there you can follow step by step instructions on how to fix your sideways scrolling ...hope that helps ....:o)
Click the link below for page guidelines (no more sideways scroll)
Well firstly beware, with all of us we have started out like yourself and now as we pulled together the inputs our sites has been made appeasing to the eyes, taste, and some not all SE'S. you will get some constructive criticism and alot of feedback to help you put this thing to good use. now for your first feedback.
1 your site looks pretty good needs some tweaking
2 from my computer you have everything kinda large try reducing the sizes on your text, nav buttons, page check to see if your page is centered by going to bv software, pull up your page, right click on page go to property, then you will see at that point you can center the page as well as make it 800 x 600 but mainly you don't won't the page to slide to right the way it is now.
3 Try another nav button or reduce the text to simple writing it trails off the nav button.
4 this is all i can say for now i will let bethers, ladyeye, bill2006, and other BlueVoda Gods give you the rest :)
take there advice and follow through then your site will look totally awesome in the end.
A comment about changing your name - You will not find any 3 digit name available without paying big bucks if you find it - and if you look, you'll see is already a website.
Thanks a lot for help. If you will look on my web site, you will find out how many changes I did following tips I had from you my friends and other people. I still have a lot of questions. First of all is; when I write the text, one textbox under the prewious, the spaces in between are very big and to bring them close by I have to overlap the previous text with the next one. What is the problem?
Second ; I just start work with my buttons and links to the next pages. For sample "Remodeling", I did the remodeling page, I save it and I published it but the button "REMODELING" doesn't work. What I should do, what mistake I did? Thanks again, Maciej