Hey Gang!
First site ever developed. I've read through some of the other reviews and am confident you will all provide some great ideas and critiques! Once I become a little more experienced at this, I look forward to offering my suggestions as well.
One idea I kept reading was to center the web page. Is this true for ANY layout or certain types. Would you recommend it for mine? And why?
Thanks in advance for all of your insight and suggestions. So....lay it on me!!
First site ever developed. I've read through some of the other reviews and am confident you will all provide some great ideas and critiques! Once I become a little more experienced at this, I look forward to offering my suggestions as well.
One idea I kept reading was to center the web page. Is this true for ANY layout or certain types. Would you recommend it for mine? And why?
Thanks in advance for all of your insight and suggestions. So....lay it on me!!