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Pleae take a look at my site - davkir@

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  • Pleae take a look at my site - davkir@

    I initially used SOHOLAUNCH to build this site, but redesigned it using BLUEVODA. I built it for my wife who runs a bed and breakfast in Ringwood in the UK. Would be much obliged if anyone would take a look at the site and critique it for me. It's been up and running a couple of months now.

    Thanks - davkir

  • #2
    Re: Pleae take a look at my site - davkir@

    Hi Davkir

    Quite a coincidence seeing your post ,as although I live in Italy now, I used to live in Bournemouth and know Ringwood well.

    I've taken a look at your site and although it deos the job, is easy to navigate and explains what you do (with some nice pix of New Forest) I think it needs personalising - I don't like you referring to yourselves in the third person ("the current owners" ) and also a few typos I picked up. I don't want to be the site's grammar bore (!) but double bed doesn't need a capital 'D' for example, although I'm sure most visitors won't pick that up! I also think you need more content ( at least five if not ten pages) as that is what search engines like most of all - lots of scope for pages on New Forest etc, an 'about' you page, maybe picture gallery? I know I can talk as my own site hasn't got enough up yet either, but I'm working on it.

    Anyway, hope that helps a bit!

    Best wishes


    • #3
      Re: Pleae take a look at my site - davkir@

      Hi, the site looks real good. Easy to navigate, like the colours (got a new forest feel) Got a little list of very small things that need correcting.
      Most pages need a centring.
      Personally not that keen of the scrolling menu on all pages. Maybe just the front page. Find it distracting when trying to read something.
      Centre image on this page has no boarder
      Might be worth changing all the links on the links page to open as _blank as the target to save loosing visitors.
      The menu bar at the bottom could have the ( _ ) removed in room rates.
      Could do a little more to help the SE’s in the respect of relating to more words in the text on your page in the meta tags area.
      Others will advise you on this a little more than I can. But it may be worth putting things like the Moors Valley Country Park /Avon Valley Country Park & other well known attractions in this part if they are mentioned on your pages & very local to you, it might help when people are searching to land on your site.
      Not sure if this is of any use to you?
      This has nicely reminded me to give a old friend a ring in Parkstone.
      So i will make this the next thing to do. lol

      Good luck.
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • #4
        Re: Pleae take a look at my site - davkir@

        Thanks Chris

        Glad u pointed out the centering - the properties page has the centred box ticked, but obviously the width has moved for some reason on the links page especially.
        I'm fairly new to this - but what does the _blank target actually do??
        understand about the room_rates - will change that
        also will include more keywords to add local attractions.
        Had a look at - will consider using this instead of my map.

        Thanks a lot



        • #5
          Re: Pleae take a look at my site - davkir@

          Hi Fiona

          A Bournemouth lass eh?

          Thanks for the critique on the grammar stuff, it is important!
          And I will also add a few more meta tags for local attractions
          Thanks a lot



          • #6
            Re: Pleae take a look at my site - davkir@

            Hi Dave. The _blank opens the link in a new window, its in the same place as you put the url under (Target). Its so a visitor doesn’t leave your site.
            With the aardvarkmap you can put your own personal pins in the map. ( & as many as you want) I just wish they would make it just a touch smaller. But you can leave your map & have this as a pop up window?
            With the meta tags its naturally good to think of your site 1st, but you may find visitors searching for these attractions. This would also have to be part of your page text/content to be of any use.
            Regards Chris.

            Collectables, Collecting,


            House build project

