One thing I've noticed about my web site designs ... there is always something that I've missed. So can I please ask all you wonderful eagle-eyed people to go crawl through my site and see if you can find anything obviously wrong?
I've tried to make the thing work more or less the same in Firefox and IE7, but have not tested it on other browsers. Also, I have a silly old screen and can only test my site at 1024x768 so if you're using a bigger resolution on a wide screen, please tell me if the site looks wrong.
Thanks in advance!
I've tried to make the thing work more or less the same in Firefox and IE7, but have not tested it on other browsers. Also, I have a silly old screen and can only test my site at 1024x768 so if you're using a bigger resolution on a wide screen, please tell me if the site looks wrong.
Thanks in advance!