New kid

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    Private First Class

    • Feb 2007
    • 5

    New kid

    Thanks again for your help in the general issues section....

    I wasn't expecting this to work but here's my first website. I suppose I better tell you what it's about...I'm an illustrator, I've been working in small press for a while and figured it was about time I tried to build a web site to sell my wears to bigger companies. Fingers crossed.

    For the most part I'm pretty pleased about how it's turned out. Sorry that's an under statement, I didn't think it'd work at all, so I'm amazed at how it's turned out! The fade affect seems to work as quite a nice distraction while some of the heavier pages download. Unfortunately the home page is really heavy and downloads a bit higgldeypiggldey.

    Is there some way I can create a kind of blanket screen that pops up and fades away, I just need to buy about a second or two when you log on to the site while stuff downloads.....Just a thought.

    Sorry I'm going on a bit now, here's my site. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    All the best,
  • jmustone
    Sergeant Major

    • Sep 2005
    • 92

    Re: New kid



    • Charles Shaw
      Second Lieutenant

      • Jan 2006
      • 111

      Re: New kid

      Well Duane, you are a very fine illustrator and I am sure you will have
      much to do!
      The only thing i saw missing was a "Home" so I could go back to the
      first page without having to use the return at top.

      Saludos and suerte!
      Playa del Carmen
      Quintana Roo, México 77710


      • fnt

        • Mar 2006
        • 210

        Re: New kid

        wow, really so great. I love the first and second ones especially.
        keep it up


        • fnt

          • Mar 2006
          • 210

          Re: New kid

          Im gonna suggest this. Its only because i never really liked this way of
          "'contact us" .
          Why dont you create just one more page, that has a FORM on it, which allows your viewer to contact you put their info and message on that form, and it gets sent to your email.
          i only say this just because i dont use microsoft outlook. and everytime i want to contact someone with that type of contact us button? i have to copy and past that email adress into my yahoo mail.
          and anyways, if you were to create another page with your perfect coler and design as the background? it would just be another awesome page.
          JUST a suggestion, i think its such a great and simple website, and a perfect way to get your talent out there.
          here here for you!!


          • steve1958

            • Jul 2006
            • 25

            Re: New kid

            This art absolutely rocks - wow

            Also love the transitions



            • Bethers
              Major General & Forum Moderator

              • Feb 2006
              • 5224

              Re: New kid

              Nice job. I agree that you need a better contact page if you want people to really contact you. Provide an email address - maybe even a real address and phone number. Do you sell work? If so, you want to give as many avenues as possible to do so.
              A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

              SEO and Marketing Tools
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              • motoxxx

                • Dec 2005
                • 343

                Re: New kid

                Really love the artwork. Very impressive! The main page took a very long time to load for me. I would expect that it would take a bit of time due to the fantastic images but it took a bit too long in my opinion. I am on a very fast connection and it took about 15 seconds to load.
                Affordable Medical Insurance
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                • StRyKa

                  • Feb 2007
                  • 31

                  Re: New kid

                  nice the art work is real cool
                  try and find a way to protect your work i bet you people will try and claim it as their own


                  • choco777
                    Brigadier General

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 1526

                    Re: New kid

                    Great job. You do very nice work. Would like to see it upclose , to make out details. Nice colors. Wish you luck and you should do well with the work you do.


                    • kenb

                      • Sep 2006
                      • 235

                      Re: New kid

                      Pehaps a watermark on the images to protect them from theives but find a way as to not affect the overall detail of the work.
                      You may want to consider a secure login page for purchasing and viewing the art without the watermark. I have seen this done with flash template programs that you can try out. They will have a "Trial Only" banner on whatever you develope so you have to pay for the program in order to have it removed. Love the work and would not want to see it in the newest video game without your name attached to it. Hope this helps. kenb


                      • Bethers
                        Major General & Forum Moderator

                        • Feb 2006
                        • 5224

                        Re: New kid

                        Ken - you can "invisibly" watermark pics.
                        A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                        SEO and Marketing Tools
                        SEO - The Basics


                          Private First Class

                          • Feb 2007
                          • 5

                          Re: New kid

                          Thank you all for your kind comments on my site and work.

                          I have to admit I was a little worried about people ripping my work and toyed with the idea of a right click ban. I decided not to do that because the people I need to send this to, need to be able to save these and keep my work on file. I ended up settling with 150dpi for the bigger images, that way its big enough to make out most of the detail at it's current size but not big enough for print. I also left the metta tags blank and tried to keep the page names quite anonymous, colour-1of10, ink-3of6 and so on. So far it seems to be working. There have been a few spiders finding my site but up till now no-ones been on from there... If you think that's not enough, then a quick 'yeah you need to protect that stuff' will do... I bow to your wisdom, Like I said this is my first build.

                          I really like the idea of the contact page and as soon as I'm sure I've learned how to do it, I'll put one up. I usually just try stuff until it breaks, knock it all down and start again properly. Unfortunately this is already up and running so I'd hate to mess things up and miss out on work....maybe even future work if it looks like I'm being rude by not replying to stuff I don't know's been sent to me.... I'm going to work it out though cause it's a fantastic idea, I just wish I'd thought of it before I'd put it on-line. Cheers.

                          As for the big download on the first page.... I totally agree. I tried to ask about that in my first post, I just worded it really badly. (sorry). I was wondering if I might be able to have people log on to a 'loading' page... If I set it up in the same format but with only one or two pictures that are part of the background to keep the file size down and add a welcome message. What I'd like to do is make that first page only last as long as it takes the page I already have to download. Then it could fade and leave you with what I've made you wait for without you thinking you've been waiting.........Is that possible? I don't know, first build and I want the world. Kids today ay? If you have any ideas though, I'd really appreciate it.

                          Thanks again for taking the time to look at my site, and thanks for the kind words about my work.

                          All the best,


                            Private First Class

                            • Feb 2007
                            • 5

                            Re: New kid

                            While I'm asking a thousand and one questions, there's something that's bothering me in the error log section of my cp. At first I had a few links spelled wrong so people were getting error messages. They're fixed now apart from one message that seems to keep cropping up.


                            Does anyone know what this is?

