My website

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  • criracer

    • Feb 2007
    • 2

    My website

    Hello everyone.

    I have read alot of stuff on this board, but never posted before.

    This is my website I built with blue voda

    Any and all comments you guys have are very much appreciated.

    thanks again,
    Jason Cleaver
  • bill2006
    Lieutenant General

    • May 2006
    • 3421

    Re: My website

    Well done !
    Looks like you have done a good job.
    Some things you might want to fix:
    -You can avoid the horizontal scroll (Home & Schedule pages) by reducing the size of the font and making the text box a bit narrower.
    -The other pages could be centered.
    -For those links you have to third party websites, if you change the link property to "_blank" you will not lose your visitors.
    -Noticed you have a weather box on two pages, with two different states. Not sure if significant.
    -Consider making the counter invisible.

    Good luck !


    • coylo5

      • Feb 2007
      • 4

      Re: My website

      cool website jason.
      How did you make the main page the one we first see, i want the exact same thing for my website only with my logo on it but i cant seem to get it to work.


      • criracer

        • Feb 2007
        • 2

        Re: My website

        Thank you both for your comments.

        coylo5: I just made the c4 and cleaver racing square in corel draw and inserted it and used it as my index page, then linked it to my main home page. I hope that explains it, I'm not good with the website lingo.


        • philipc9635
          Lieutenant Colonel

          • Jul 2006
          • 735

          Re: My website

          Hey Jason

          Site is looking good and is easy to Navigate. As Bill said I would look at setting your width a 800 and centering to avoid having the bottom scroll bar.

          Like the colours too. Well done
          Phil Cartledge (Aussie Phil)

          Discover A Simple Approach To Online Business That Locks In Your Success.


          • Hester

            • Jun 2006
            • 206

            Re: My website


            Your site looks very nice.

            One quick comment... opening page that says "Click to Enter"... I know you probably checked the "center in browser" option in the properties, but what happens a lot (to me especially) is that you add a picture or something and it automatically moves the horizontal handle over. You just have to adjust the width so it matches exactly what your image size is and re-publish.

            It's a little OCD on my part, but it's just one of those things I am always looking out for when I publish my pages. (since my whole site is centered).

            I actually prefer seeing websites centered rather than flush to the left... but it's just a personal preference. Usually that only pertains to websites that are fairly narrow in width.

            Some people dislike horizontal scroll... I think you can get away with 900px or less. (800 is too small in my opinion - but safe for 100% of viewers). I don't have a problem on my end, but I see others have commented. Don't worry about making it so narrow. One of the simplest things you could do to help shorten the width (if you so desired) would be to make the menu images/text on the left side smaller. I like stuff like that to be big sometimes, but they don't necessarily need to be. You could knock a good 75-100px off just by shortening that and re-sizing those logos a touch. (not that you needed to... just if you were considering an adjustment without changing a whole lot).

            One thing you may need to fix... the photos page is showing 3 pictures waaaaay off to the right. I'm not sure if they are supposed to be inside the main frame of the site.

            I love the layout and the colors. Very nicely done website overall.

            Good luck with the future races!

            I'm from the midwest too... but now live in TX. stay warm... looks like it's freezing up there. Brrrrr! :)

