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  • planet777
    First Lieutenant

    • Dec 2006
    • 181

    Re: whodaddy

    Hey Guyz,

    I've heard of the Perfect Page Model and clean structure etc, but ... dare I ask ... WHAT is it and HOW does one implement it into one's site?? I'd love to do it but don't know how??

    And i'm sure there are a lot of ppl out there who would like to know too!

    So would anyone like to illuminate those of us struggling in the dark... LOL. Is there a site to go to for more on this?

    Also, while I'm at it - any opinions on how important a Site Map is for seo? In a complicated site I would think some ppl would appreciate it for navigability, but comments pse? And the best way to make one, esp. if U R a non-techie?

    Thanks in advance,

    A manual to help small-business owners . http://www.entrepreneurshipz.com


    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: whodaddy

      < sorry, Will....working on a laptop now with poor connection: lost a lengthy reply 3x....do an Advanced Search on "Perfect Page" and "Vasili" to find more explanation, if neded: it IS pretty well explained above, though >
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • planet777
        First Lieutenant

        • Dec 2006
        • 181

        Re: whodaddy

        Hey Vasili,

        tks for the reply... sorry you lost all that data THREE times... this used to happen to me in composing emails - a YOOJ pain!! But thanks for trying to explain in a detailed way :-

        I searched under Perfect Page, and Vasili, but couldnt find anything... when you say formula, is this a general term or something fairly specific? I have tried to make my website clean and clear - but does it conform to a 'formula' - so to speak? (that said, I know that the links OFF OF my main page need a bit of work - working on that and being advised by Bethers & Moto!!)

        Sorry - I read and re-read the Perfect Page post but can't get any specifics. Maybe in due time when you again feel like it, you could post once more on it? As I say, i'm sure it's something of high interest to the Net community! :-

        Cheers for now

        A manual to help small-business owners . http://www.entrepreneurshipz.com


        • Cornuto

          • Feb 2007
          • 37

          Re: whodaddy

          WhoDaddy. Yup basic american style sales site. I've just been through quite a few myself and seems like this type of sites are pushy big time. They are slim and long. Naturally copying them isn't neccessary but one thing is fairly common there that they all have white background. That's easy to change and test how it looks - change back if it doesn't work. That color surely fits better for selling books... Also you could really PUSH out some messages. You want a view what I mean. Check this...http://www.imsuccessguide.com/
          as a sample.

          Vasili is fun guy. I have to check half of his comments from dictionary. And he does give grief - at least to me, but it surely is good to listen what he and others got say, because at the end of the you can gain a lot. But hey, see if my opinion values around here:)
          Cornuto was here - wisdom met with the wits

          www.planet-360.com It's all over the place!

          www.DomainAle.Com Cheers!

          www.0-0-9.Com - who called?


          • LadyEye
            General & Forum Moderator

            • Jun 2006
            • 10526

            Re: whodaddy

            Will ... in regards to site maps there are several automatic generators out there and several posts in the forum about site maps, and they are important ... here is a link to an online generator, http://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ but there are many more.

            Simply LadyEye will try to put into basic words what Vasili is implying .. and please note, this is only my opinion ..

            Along with the various search engine tips you can learn from reading Bethers seo guide, it is important for each one of your pages to be unique in it's content and reflect what that page is about. This is what is important to search engines, that you have the information about dogs, when someone is searching for dogs. And go beyond that, maybe it's dog bones, etc., so these are the "key words" that you want search engines to recognize.

            The perfect page represents navigation to and from all of your pages in the easiest manner. Remember, you are building your site and know what and where things are. The rest of us don't. So make it clear, visible, easy to navigate, quick loading pages, pages that all have the same elements, examples - headers, navigation bar, footers, the look of your header, logo, is what you want people to remember, so use it, use it on all pages ... have your navigation easy enough so that if the viewer wanted to go back to a page and re-read something they read, they would know where to find it ... give your page a title that reflects it's content, not all viewers come to your site from that main page, they stumble across a page perhaps by searching for an image, or a word that you have on one of your pages, and so on.

            Optimize your images, alt text your images, imply what your image is about in your alt text, many people search by images, pictures, etc.

            Plan your work and work your plan - design a sketch of what you want viewers to see on your site, keep the pages within the recommended page size '800 width and long and lengthy pages are not popular either, keep those to '1000 or '1200 ... keep the same physical template or frame on all pages ....

            if you have too much information for one page, make two, don't cram, jam or make it too long, make two pages instead, a long page doesn't keep my interest, whereas I would read three pages instead ...

            Encrypt your email, or use Navels abvfp2 form, this reduces the spam you will receive.

            I always like to know where the location is of the site I am viewing, I often cannot find this, this is a pp of mine ... tell them where you are located ....

            While all flashy things that are available to put on a website are no doubt cool, many do not like them ... I do, but have learned, you really can't have them, and if you do, only one, and it should be tasteful ...

            Have your site appealing to the eye, one that suggests to the viewer that they want to stay here, browse through your site, it is easy, wow look what I learned, they mark you in their favorites, they send the link to their friends .... and then there is more on having your link on other reputable sites that will also gain you higher rankings ... so much more to learn and put into this myself ...

            Hope this helps. And again, this is only my opinion of what Vasili is saying ... And I am sure I have missed some things that others will come and touch base on!!


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            • planet777
              First Lieutenant

              • Dec 2006
              • 181

              Re: whodaddy

              Hey LadyEye,

              Tks for your detailed post! I think it HAS made things clearer... it backs up what I've been picking up from ppl like Bethers and Moto ... etc ... maybe the bottom line is to imagine yourself as a VISITOR ... is the info clear; helpful; do they know where to go next? ... does it have links to OTHER pages IN certain of the drilled down pages ... is it primarily a resource and helpful to PEOPLE and not just for SEARCH ENGINES...? That sort of thing is what I get you're saying ... sound about right?

              Y'see, my site is one of those direct selling pages, so it IS long, but I think there is justification for length with these types of sites ... BUT as I'm adding articles to my Resources link, at the bottom of the home page, I'm finding that my stuff is being picked up and accessed by people, ie even tho I am primarily adding content to help my rankings, I am AT THE SAME TIME helping people out with genuine INFO, on various topics of interest to the health, diet, weightloss, nutrition, and even bodybuilding communities :-

              So yeah, thanks! It IS clearer. Now I just gotta DO the various bits and pieces, also get the template right! (Moto talks about how to do this, and I will sooner rather than later get to it!!)

              Appreciate it. Up the Canuks, ey? LOL :-


              PS oh, a note on being bookmarked - app. this doesnt work so well coz most ppl dont go back to their bookmarks much at all and dont have them organised... but the sending on of a link to a friend - that is gt - and as you said, the biggest thing is a ONE WAY BACKLINK - ie someone found your stuff so valuable they mention it on another site - if this is a 'heavyweight' site then that is gold!!
              A manual to help small-business owners . http://www.entrepreneurshipz.com


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: whodaddy

                LadyEye has made a significant dent in detailing some of the pieces to the "Perfect Page" model that is so important to website design considerations and SE interaction.

                However....it is so much more than "represent[ing] navigation to and from all of your pages in the easiest manner" and truly the "Perfect Page Model" can be seen as a real "formula" of construct.

                From the time you put the very first object on your BV page, add an image, paste in text, and change the colors of your lines and backgrounds, you have begun to create a "form of construct" and it becomes the base upon which everthing is built and compared to. The smallest of details are important, as it truly is written in "code" even though it appears to us as shapes, lines and all, and, accordingly it needs all be formatted uniformly to create the "universiality" of construct: things need to be aligned precisely, "color-matched" appropritately, "mirrored" from page to page (which is the exact reason BV has the Clone and Copy/Paste features for exact *******tion and positioning), etc.
                Remember! This is just the base page construct, but each element must also be implemented "perfectly" (or as perfect as you are capable, which is the "measureable" perfection that the SE's see), and this all begins to form the basis of your "Perfect Page."

                UPON this base, this foundation of page perfection, you need to complete the picture by adding (or 'filling in') the other elements of proper website construct: everything from Meta, KeyWord entries, image titles, Content, navigation technologies, links or other dynamic influences (and the percentage of contribution = balanced techniques), media features....it all too, must be completed with precision and attention to detail in the "perfection mode" to add to the overall Perfect Page model. This all begins to establish a "formula" of construct, an equation of elements to measure and recognize, to compare with a 'zero-tolerance' ranking algorithm SE's use to apply to sort between the sites.

                The uniformity and precision established by the Construct and the technologies (between the static coded elements and the navigation, for instance) is the beginning of overall site Relevancy: is the marraige effective, well balanced, and compliant with the "Rules"?

                You create significant influence on true Relevancy by adding the unique parts that are not static, pre-formulated, or universal (unlike the rules of coding and technological implementations), which is simplistically referred to as Content but which also must comply with the Perfect Page model......as mentioned above: your composed text needs be cleanly tied to your key words, and must be deep enough in context (compositional style) to be validated by the SE's as true content (not just a list of words or ill-structured sentences to grab their attention), which then is the "crowning touch" of Relevancy construct.....the last piece in the equation of the "formula" of Perfect Page!

                Do you see it clearer now?

                The Perfect Page is built in 3 parts (parts of the "formula"): Foundation (shapes, images, objects, colors, etc.) + Technology (navigation, tools, dynamics like forums, titles and tags, etc.) + Content (textually composed material, images and titles, reciprocol links, etc.) = Relevancy
                ** How "Perfect" is your site?? Based on that result, how "relevant" is your site to the resourcefulness value to the SE's as they "rank" it to produce results for client Search querries?

                Every aspect must be addressed and implemented with precision, striving to attain "Perfection" overall. Thus, the Perfect Page Model!

                >> Did you know that real SEO includes actually going into each page's code to "clean up" all the sloppy or loose lines that detract from the expected "perfection" modelling? SEO is such a broad term that most only think about key words, Meta tags and the like, but it is truly a "science" into itself.....thus the compelling focus for all of us to focus on the Perfect Pages process as we work. We can make our sites "SEO-prepared," but should not expect to be able to completely "optimize" our sites unless we have advanced skills.

                This is what is driving the SE's currently, and is the surest means to "winnow the chaff" amongst the millions of websites out there, and has been confirmed to be the basis for future morphs of the same processing.

                We are fortunate to have a tool that does most of the work for us (Blue Voda) and utilizes CSS in addition to HTML, simplifying our focus and attention to merely "coloring within the lines" and "stacking our papers straight" don't you think?
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • Vasili

                  • Mar 2006
                  • 14683

                  Re: whodaddy

                  Originally posted by Cornuto
                  Vasili is fun guy. I have to check half of his comments from dictionary. And he does give grief - at least to me, but it surely is good to listen what he and others got say
                  Don't think for a moment you are being picked on....you are not, really! In your thread there were so many posts by your peers that repeated the same thing that I finally felt compelled to jump in to tell you flat out how it was....(I call it the way I see it, that's all).
                  Every post and suggestion offered is to help broaden your perspective, to encourage you to progress. We all genuinely care, and like any other big family, sometimes you have to raise your voice to be heard across the dinner table!

                  And on we go!
                  . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                  * Success Is Potential Realized *


                  • LadyEye
                    General & Forum Moderator

                    • Jun 2006
                    • 10526

                    Re: whodaddy

                    Hey Will ... yw ... glad to see it made things clearer for some ... I know "simple terms" is always the best when folks are trying to learn ... I'm not into extended vocabularly to assist people looking for help and knowledge ... that's just me I guess ...

                    And your page Will ... well it should be lean and slender right ... lol ... that is what you are going for!! And by the way, I see you have your ebook cover you were wanting ... Good for you!! Great job!!

                    Vasili ... perhaps you didn't read all, but I really didn't imply, that the "perfect page" was merely navigation ... if you continued to read through my post, I touched base on all things, in simple terms. And in so far as seo, I directed viewers to Bethers seo tips, as this is an excellent starting base again written for all to understand.


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                    • Vasili

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 14683

                      Re: whodaddy

                      No big!

                      This was just an unexpected "opportunity" to plaster up some little nuggets of useful information prior to fading away from VodaTalk, as you know.......hopefully set the record straight-er before the poorer idea sets in stone and becomes irretractable and no one realizes the bigger idea is missing.....
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *


                      • LadyEye
                        General & Forum Moderator

                        • Jun 2006
                        • 10526

                        Re: whodaddy

                        lol .....

                        Everything you say is true and excellent advice, that goes without question ... it's just if people have to use a dictionary to understand what is written, whether it is here on this forum, or on your own website, then that's bad, right?

                        So really aren't we building for the customers, and isn't that what the "perfect page" is all about, I'd think I'd rather call it ... "Knowing and Building for the Customers" ....

                        You know your stuff Vasili, no question there, just need to take some polish off of it ... lol

                        ((((((((hugs)))))))))) Have a safe trip!!!!!


                        Your Website People!
                        1-302-283-3777 North America / International
                        02036089024 / United Kingdom
                        291916438 / Australia


                        Top 3 Best Sellers

                        Web Hosting - Unlimited disk space & bandwidth.

                        Reseller Hosting - Start your own web hosting business.

                        Search Engine & Directory Submission - 300 directories + (Google,Yahoo,Bing)


                        • choco777
                          Brigadier General

                          • Apr 2006
                          • 1526

                          Re: whodaddy

                          Could not agree more LE. Yeah that's the ticket POLISH, a little too BRIGHT. Vasili is slick but too much slick makes things harder to grasp. Pun intended. Vasili, don't mean to try to take away from your abilities in any way, you give a lot of help here. Just my thoughts.


                          • Vasili

                            • Mar 2006
                            • 14683

                            Re: whodaddy

                            "A rose by any other name...."
                            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                            * Success Is Potential Realized *


                            • planet777
                              First Lieutenant

                              • Dec 2006
                              • 181

                              Re: whodaddy

                              Well, let me just WEIGH IN to this discussion (LOL) and say thanks for all the info and help ... esp. Lady & Vasili ... MUCH clearer ... bottom line I say again as I see it is to bear your customer in mind FIRST AND FOREMOST ... I almost fell into the trap of "more = better" ... well, it does WHEN the site is perfect, or as perfect as one can get it...

                              so thanks for all the help! (and yeah, Lady - thanks - my site is TRIM and SLENDER now! LOL) Tks - I am happy it's looking a lot better and the pics and eBook cover adding a lot too!! :-

                              One thing tho ... how can we FULLY optimise our sites, if we dont have advanced SEO skills? That sort of thing is best left to a professional, but if you're trying to do it yourself, how good can you really make it?

                              anyway, onward and upward :-


                              A manual to help small-business owners . http://www.entrepreneurshipz.com


                              • larazovich

                                • Jul 2006
                                • 5811

                                Re: whodaddy

                                Hey there
                                NIce changes since the last time I looked but one thing - there is an image on your front page that isn't working. It is to the right of "'no thank you rich jerk"

                                Ring the bells that still can ring

