DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

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  • Cornuto

    • Feb 2007
    • 37

    DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

    I was listening and eventually following instructions that I got here. I really had to eat vitamins and get coffeine in my system and result is now almost 40 page long domain site. I left some of the stuff but almost all flashy things are gone, sounds disabled and so on. I published it and I did some world wide press already, but all your comments are more than welcome since I will be improving it along the way. One thing is for sure. I wont start this project again from scratch:) I know it might look like lot of text but its not ment to be read at one visit. My hope is it will become a hub for domainers and newbies of the domain industry alike with news, links, forums,chat and so on... DomainAle.Com
    Cornuto was here - wisdom met with the wits It's all over the place!

    www.DomainAle.Com Cheers!

    www.0-0-9.Com - who called?
  • Dori
    Lieutenant Colonel

    • Sep 2006
    • 581

    Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

    Hi Corunto,

    You asked for opinions....
    This site is way too busy, I would automatically get the heck out of dodge if I found your site through a search. It hurts the eyes. A lot of the text is very hard to read and there is so much of it bunched together that you don't know where to start. I did click on one item 'exclusive something' and I ended up with 3 pop ups, which again makes me beat feet away from your site.

    You really have a lot of great stuff but it is so slammed together that all you see is one incredible mess. Have you ever heard the phrase 'Too much of a good thing'? This is the perfect example of that.

    I know you are not going to take this as constructive criticism but I remember your first posts and yes you did disable sound, etc., but the home page looks pretty much the way it did on your original post.
    Naturally Yours,


    • SChajin
      Major General

      • Jan 2006
      • 2792

      Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

      Ditto, very hard to stay there. Just tone it down a lot and you will be OK
      Sharon Chajin


      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

        Ditto with above. I nearly jumped, but managed to get to the red X in time.
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting,

        House build project


        • larazovich

          • Jul 2006
          • 5811

          Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

          Same here.
          way way too busy, startles me, clicked off right away, didn't even look.

          Ring the bells that still can ring


          • planet777
            First Lieutenant

            • Dec 2006
            • 181

            Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

            Cornuto! I read all the comments - and yes, I basically agree, tho on the +ve side I would say that you have a lot of CONTENT, which as I understand it is the big thing for a site that's looking for traffic etc. If I was looking for a domain site chock full of content, I would think yours was a site that was delivering.

            But the folks who have posted comments are very experienced, so ignore their wise words at your peril. I DID find the flashing thingys too distracting, and also watch out for white text on blue marble slate (the banner) - hard to read.

            I think work on your strengths - content - and weaknesses - some design elements.

            Well, that's my 2c worth, lol.


            A manual to help small-business owners .


            • Dori
              Lieutenant Colonel

              • Sep 2006
              • 581

              Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

              I agree that there is a lot of content on his site but if it is all crammed into one place that has way too many backgrounds, images and text colors who the heck is going to see it? Or better yet, take the time to wade through all of this to get to the pertinent stuff.

              I don't mean to sound so harsh but this is the second time around viewing this site and except for the sound and a couple of images being gone, not much has changed. I want to see him do well and make a profit. If people can't see what they need to buy... they won't.
              Naturally Yours,


              • ace5548

                • Aug 2006
                • 351

                Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...


                I certainly agree with the above comments. I looked around and found the text hard to read and the page was extremely cluttered and busy. I tried to read your testimonials and could not.

                Listen to what the experienced people say. They are very good on this forum and will help you if you want it.

                Simply Quit - Smoking


                • Mook25
                  Brigadier General

                  • Oct 2005
                  • 1427

                  Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

                  I'm afraid to say that i agree with the others. I personally don't like black backgrounds and white text as i don't find them to look proffesional and by looking at what you are trying to sell i think you would like to look proffesional so that people buy from your site.

                  You don't need all this information on one page and can spread it over a couple of pages. Removing the background pictures would be a start as the text gets lost within it.

                  Your website could be good with some tweaking but i think you are enjoying yourself trying out too many different things at once too much.

                  I'm not trying to sound patrionising but I've been putting a free resource together and have a section on web design. It may help you understand what is good in a site and what is not, what keeps people stay at your site and what does not. I personally have applied some of the knowledge within this resource to my own sites and i have found it to help a lot.

                  Take a look here
                  Arcade Ninja - Free Flash Arcade
                  FreeGadget4me.Com - Learn how to get free gadgets delivered direct to your door for free


                  • bill2006
                    Lieutenant General

                    • May 2006
                    • 3421

                    Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

                    Too busy and confusing. Consider breaking it up in sections.


                    • Cornuto

                      • Feb 2007
                      • 37

                      Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

                      I guess I have too much on my plate right now. I got this other my site which is more corporate style and I didn't want to make this site look like a corporate site but little more entertaining - place to come and go. Stories, news, links...
                      Also yes, its meant to be more like a site for semipros, who are age 18 - 35 up to 40 something, but yes, I'm aiming to make it better as things move on. Little things, little things. I did move something away from index page to make it more light.
                      Sure you could place stuff all over the place but the thing is that already I've got 40 pages together... I plan to adjust as things really start. You can find TimeMachine links to other domain related sites (biggest ones) also and see how they started just 4-5 years ago... I bet this does look more useful for todays domain industry people. Any news site is full, I have news , I'm pretty full but I do agree on some things and painting will happen... sooner than later... Thanks for all your comments and I'm happy to read more:)
                      Cornuto was here - wisdom met with the wits

             It's all over the place!

                      www.DomainAle.Com Cheers!

                      www.0-0-9.Com - who called?


                      • Vasili

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 14683

                        Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

                        Originally posted by Mook25
                        Your website could be good with some tweaking but i think you are enjoying yourself trying out too many different things at once too much.
                        Hit the nail on the head, Mook.....

                        Self-preoccupation is killing the potential of this website.
                        It is so disorganized and incoherently designed that it makes your earlier statement, "yes, its meant to be more like a site for semipros" seem incredibly far from the truth.

                        I cannot personally concieve of anyone with the slightest familiarity of the internet (let alone this market segment, which you incorrectly identified, by the way: the real players in the domain game --especially speculation-- are in the 35-55 age group.....the ones with money!) who would spend the time or the dime in such an environment! It is still too much like a pinball screen, and defies the confidence "buyers" indicate as a minimum for transactional conversion.

                        There has been a lot of reasoned, sound advice offered, to no avail (as in your earlier duplicated thread). And, as we all know, it is not personal opinion that makes the internet work, it is serving the needs of users credibly. With more attention paid to using English properly and conforming your site to one that is prepared to do business, you might find a modicum of activity as a result.

                        Good Luck.

                        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                        * Success Is Potential Realized *


                        • Cornuto

                          • Feb 2007
                          • 37

                          Re: DomainAle.Com - Take two! I re-did it...

                          How does that look? Is that any better for your old eyes:) (byt the way I'm hitting soon 44)
                          I changed colors and took stuff away. Ads on left side will stay cause these boxes are the base element of the whole site/corner idea. This is just one page preview bacause I don't want to start to make major brake down before I hear what u guys think???
                          I did notice what Vasili was referring. There is some bad English on these side spots but "cleaner will wipe" soooon.
                          Da - sure it would be nice to hit on these 35 - 45+ year old domain buyers, but they are used shopping where they are. I'm not willing nor hoping to get them tomorrow or next week - maybe by the end of the year:)
                          One reason for this is that I might have to sell the site before any major success or sales since my ( patent project is suffering major lack of time. Domain business is addictive and I have all these domains and sites...
                          Cornuto was here - wisdom met with the wits

                 It's all over the place!

                          www.DomainAle.Com Cheers!

                          www.0-0-9.Com - who called?

