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What do you think of the new look?

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  • #16
    Re: What do you think of the new look?

    As a hobby for a business it needs to show the people what you can do. Having a header that is hard to read is better? Having a site that is boring shows what you can do? Sorry, but I totally disagree with your comment.

    Building websites, in most cases, isn't about what YOU like, but about what is good for the USER. Sorry - I don't care if you change the site, but it's important that it be good for the user and that I'll repeat over and over again - titles are not just for the se's - they are also for the USER - having a header that stands out and can be read is not at all for the se's - that's entirely for the user. At first glance, with that image, I automatically think of computer repair or selling computer products - it's not an image I'd associate with what you're doing - couple that with almost unreadable text, and I'd be off. I wouldnt' consider using your services if you sent me there to look after talking with me.
    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

    SEO and Marketing Tools
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    • #17
      Re: What do you think of the new look?

      Paul I can read the header fine, and I do not see any fuzzyness ...

      Bethers, perhaps your graphics card is giving out??? It is clear and ***** on my end ...


      I like your site ... I like the background color you have chosen. The white background for you text makes a difference, imo. I can only imagine when you add a few more graphics that you will have the overall look that you are "striving" for ... Keep tweaking! You'll get the look you are wanting!

      Good Job!

      P.S. Paul ....... I would look towards this being a good business for you ... it may not always last as a hobby! Good Luck!!


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      • #18
        Re: What do you think of the new look?

        No, Holly, my computer and graphics card are fine. If this is what Paul wants, that's his choice, but I do not believe it will do what he wants the website to do for him. I don't mind if he changes it 100 times - but the look and feel need to grab the customer - even if it's simply people he directs there. I did not say it's fuzzy - I said it's hard to read - and I do believe it is hard to read.
        A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

        SEO and Marketing Tools
        SEO - The Basics


        • #19
          Re: What do you think of the new look?


          If its just a hobby then why all the work?

          I do think its too dark, and the FONT itself is hard to read, its not FUZZY, just not what you need on a header. But thats my opinion.

          I liked what you had before better than I like what i see now. Not trying to turn this into some sort of cat fight! But apparently I can see thats NOT going to be avoided!



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          • #20
            Re: What do you think of the new look?

            As a hobby for a business it needs to show the people what you can do. Having a header that is hard to read is better? Having a site that is boring shows what you can do? Sorry, but I totally disagree with your comment.

            Building websites, in most cases, isn't about what YOU like, but about what is good for the USER. Sorry - I don't care if you change the site, but it's important that it be good for the user and that I'll repeat over and over again - titles are not just for the se's - they are also for the USER - having a header that stands out and can be read is not at all for the se's - that's entirely for the user. At first glance, with that image, I automatically think of computer repair or selling computer products - it's not an image I'd associate with what you're doing - couple that with almost unreadable text, and I'd be off. I wouldnt' consider using your services if you sent me there to look after talking with me.
            O.k its time for me to have my say here and thank you all for your comments.

            Firstly I don’t think the site is boring, I like the look and you can believe me or not, but I have asked people away from this forum which look they prefer and in most cases they say they prefer this look, o.k a bit of tweaking and the odd pic maybe needed, but overall I much prefer this look. I know you don’t and that’s fine you are entitled to this opinion. Your point on almost unreadable text is in my opinion totally way off. I have no problem whatsoever reading this text. I will have a closer look and ask others and if the opinion is that it could be easier, then I am sure Holly will help with altering it a little.

            Sorry Beth but if people don’t agree with you, then you do come across as aggressive and I can understand why Holly has reacted a little here. I know she kept quiet on your first comments and like me wants no bad feeling, but I think your comments are exaggerated and can see why Holly felt the need to put her point across. I have had no-one that has said ‘Well I like your new look, but I cannot read the banner’ So to say its unreadable is way over the top.

            Also there is a portfolio of sites for people to see what I can do, hopefully not boring as you say. They can then decide if I can do what they are after. But you can say what you want, that’s my reply back to your comments. Holly has put a lot of work into helping me, just like you in the past and I appreciate everyone who helps me, I am after all still learning myself, but I do feel your comments are way over the top. I will though take them on board and ask others, after all it is all about what I want, you would never change your site because people said you must. I am a user of websites and I prefer this look, yes I will change the background to white and add some graphics/pics, maybe tweak the banner a bit, but I like the look. If I keep reacting to everyone who says they don’t like the new look I will be still here next year asking people.

            So no fall out, your opinion and I thank you for them, those are my opinions and the end result is with a bit of tweaking I and the people around feel comfortable with this look, I can’t change your mind and don’t need to, but I do thank you for your input. Paul,

            If its just a hobby then why all the work?

            I do think its too dark, and the FONT itself is hard to read, its not FUZZY, just not what you need on a header. But thats my opinion.

            I liked what you had before better than I like what i see now. Not trying to turn this into some sort of cat fight! But apparently I can see that’s NOT going to be avoided!

            Karen people have sites for hobby’s all the time, why should they not want them to look good? This comment seems to bother people for some reason. Firstly I am very busy with my main site. I write articles all across the web, update the book and my blog, answer countless emails, make and post the book out daily. I also buy and sell on ebay and on-line. I don’t have the time to do more than one site a week at the moment, I don’t think I even want to. I love the little free time I get and don’t want to be sat in front off the computer everyday until all hours. I have two jobs lined up through a Bar I visit and a laundrette for a friend. This is fine for me and fits in with what time I have.

            Also I don’t have the experience to be promising this and that to everyone, I know what I can and can’t do. I am going on a course for web design and graphics soon and this will hopefully bring me right up to scratch and learn me far more. But the end thing is that money is not my god and I earn a decent living as it is. I want to enjoy building sites for others and pick the jobs I want to a certain extent, doing it as a hobby gives me this freedom and fits in with the life I want. Anyway there is no cat fight or fall out, I very rarely react to comments as forums should be fun, but a healthy debate is fine and there are no bad feelings to what anyone says to me or about my site, life’s too short and I have as much respect for all three of you as I did before. We all have our opinions, its what makes life so interesting.

            Regards Paul
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            • #21
              Re: What do you think of the new look?

              Whether we agree with Paul or not, he put his site up for comments, good or bad.

              I would have thought that once a comment had been made then Paul has the right to change, or not to change, as he feels fit, without a dicussion ensuing.

              Lets all HELP each other and not get into cat fights........................
              Have fun
              Regards..... David

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              • #22
                Re: What do you think of the new look?

                Just have a few secs, but just wanted to say, I had no intentions of entering into a "cat" fight, lol, a "popcorn" fight, well now that is a different story, or even a "cookie" fight ... lol always fun, "Next Chapter" David, lol

                I respect the opinion of Bethers and Karen, however at the same time I respect Paul's own desire to have the look that he is aiming for ... with that being said I am certain Paul is going to get it, and Paul you give me far too much credit and yourself far too little, you are putting out some wonderful sites and your clients will be pleased whether it is a "hobby" or you turn it into "A Retirement Fund" ... Good Luck with all you do, and of course, you can count on me "anytime", as I am certain you can count on Bethers and Karen and many many more peers in this forum.


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                • #23
                  Re: What do you think of the new look?

                  I respect the opinion of Bethers and Karen, however at the same time I respect Paul's own desire to have the look that he is aiming for ... with that being said I am certain Paul is going to get it, and Paul you give me far too much credit and yourself far too little, you are putting out some wonderful sites and your clients will be pleased whether it is a "hobby" or you turn it into "A Retirement Fund" ... Good Luck with all you do, and of course, you can count on me "anytime", as I am certain you can count on Bethers and Karen and many many more peers in this forum.
                  Well said Holly,

                  Beth knows what I think of the help she has given me so far, as do others. Its the best most helpful forum on the planet, lets keep it that way.

                  O.k I am going to have to take my catsuit back to the Hire shop now and lose my deposit lol.

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                  • #24
                    Re: What do you think of the new look?

                    And my comments were never intended to start a fight or cat fight - and you all know that - as I'm friends with ya - Holly and Paul both. And ya both know that I'm not known for tact or sugarcoating.

                    And I specifically said, yep, it's your website - but that didn't mean I wasn't gonna tell you what I felt about it. :)

                    Just one further comment about it being a hobby - a hobby is good and fine, but whether a hobby or not - this is a business - not a website about your pet turtles, etc - and as a business - it has be be treated a little bit differently.

                    Now - do what you feel is best for YOU ! And remember, I'm still gonna be the erascible me you've come to hate to love!
                    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                    SEO and Marketing Tools
                    SEO - The Basics


                    • #25
                      Re: What do you think of the new look?

                      Hi Paul;
                      I know I am a lowly private, but as a guy that spends 75-85% of his day surfing the web for suppliers, and manufacturers, I think you have a workable site. It is easy to get around and not distarcting with alot of fluff. I so agree with the earlier coment about your links on the portfolio page. I am just starting in this, having only built one site, but that's my 2cents.

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                      • #26
                        Re: What do you think of the new look?

                        Hi Paul,

                        I fianlly got a chance to see the site you were talking bad..sorry and I like it. Very easy to navigate and I like the balck and white..a. classy touch like a black and white affair one attends.

                        I found that I could not see the urls or most of the links you have highlighted on several pages....they appear white and blend in with the web it possible to put them in another color.

                        Also I was wonderign if you would consider a roatting banner with the images of websites you have done so others can see them or a screenshot so other can see then and then click on the image to go to the website. I thought it might add a bit of oomph to the site.

                        But overall a nice job...keep up the good work. Oh and i didn't know if you noticed or if someone already mentined it...but some of the pages don't seem to have titles...just thought you'd want to




                        • #27
                          Re: What do you think of the new look?

                          Now - do what you feel is best for YOU ! And remember, I'm still gonna be the erascible me you've come to hate to love!
                          Never had a problem Beth and never will....But I have no idea wha the word erascible menas lol.

                          I found that I could not see the urls or most of the links you have highlighted on several pages....they appear white and blend in with the web it possible to put them in another color.
                          Yes I am on with this, it was not done on purpose, my oversight.

                          Oh and i didn't know if you noticed or if someone already mentined it...but some of the pages don't seem to have titles...just thought you'd want to
                          Yes I emntioned I knew about this in originol post, I was going to catch up with this, just wanted an opinion on the sites look before adding all this.

                          Thanks for the comments though.

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                          • #28
                            Re: What do you think of the new look?

                            On another note, please look at this thread:

                            You have the word banner in your new pic - so some people can't see that header! Now, since your business will probably all be in the UK, it might not happen over there - but to be safe, I'd rename that picture.
                            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                            SEO and Marketing Tools
                            SEO - The Basics


                            • #29
                              Re: What do you think of the new look?

                              Mmmmmmmmm I will look inot it.

                              Also I should look at my grammer, the last post I put on here was riddled with mistakes. That's what you get for not reading through before pressing enter!
                              The U.K's largest independent site for help with Anxiety and Panic issues.

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                              • #30
                                Re: What do you think of the new look?

                                Mmmmmmmmm I will look inot it.

                                Oh I need a break I think............
                                The U.K's largest independent site for help with Anxiety and Panic issues.

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