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Please review and critique my website

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  • Please review and critique my website

    I'm Gary, and I have put up a website which is I'm very new at making websites, so I'm open to any and all suggestions, critisisms, opinions, or anything, to make it better. I know I have lot's of room for improvement.
    I thank you in advance for taking the time to look at my website.
    Gary Roberts

  • #2
    Re: Please review and critique my website

    Welcome, Gary!

    I think you have done quite outstanding as a first venture in web-building, despite the fact you obviously have no adverse inclination to plagerizing images....such as my avatar (it still has the original title I assigned to it when I cropped it!!!! Now see what you are going to make me do: I will now have to take the time to go find the original image and the copped, and post BOTH to show true origin --something you won't be able to do, right?'s not nice to make Generals unecessary diversions!)

    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: Please review and critique my website

      Well....I have my definitive proof of source ready, Gary! Shall we have fun with this?

      Tell me....what form, and under what "theme" (if any) would this image originally have been sourced?
      (I can provide a link to where I "published" it which will show the origin of this photo with definitve authority, and how my unique crop indicates even more...)
      Sad....but I think a lot of your VodaPeers associate this avatar as another of my "looks" and thus really was a sloppy move to post in the Showcase....
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • #4
        Re: Please review and critique my website

        I am terribly sorry for plagerizing your image. I really liked the picture so I put it on my site. I don't remember where I got it from, since it was a few months ago. I thought it was public domain. I think it was on yahoo where I saw it. But I know now that I shouldn't have, so I have taken it off of my website.
        Once again, I'm sorry.


        • #5
          Re: Please review and critique my website

          Well.....I suppose we are both glad I am getting old and can't load as fast as I used to, huh??'s late and I prefer not to lug bodies around in the dark! LOLOL

          Back to business.
          I really appreciate your creative use of BV to present a site that is just as clean as a "cart" or a professionally prepared template. Simplicity adds so very much to the subliminal absorbtion of Content it is boggling, and you have emphasized this aspect quite well.

          I am looking forward to the seemingly endless tweaks and improvements you will undoubtedly put yourself through, for I know that less than a month from now your site will be worthy as a model for your peers. And, it is my opinion that it will perform even beyond your cautioned your delight!


          (Remember: Generals have thousands of eyes with which to see everything that goes on in Cyberspace!! LOL)
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *

