Hi All,
Almost done with redo...delays due to writing deadlines...:( So please take a look at the redo and tell me if all links are working, if any typos, etc. Also look and feel. I have made it less stodgy ..i think and anda few more elements to be added but please let me know. Thanks ..all critiques ..positive and negative welcome. Thanks to my voda friends.
And to all the newbies out there...WELCOME...i'm not on as often as I'd like but I hope you all enjoy this gathering place.
Almost done with redo...delays due to writing deadlines...:( So please take a look at the redo and tell me if all links are working, if any typos, etc. Also look and feel. I have made it less stodgy ..i think and anda few more elements to be added but please let me know. Thanks ..all critiques ..positive and negative welcome. Thanks to my voda friends.
And to all the newbies out there...WELCOME...i'm not on as often as I'd like but I hope you all enjoy this gathering place.