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Check Out My Site We Are In Business

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  • Check Out My Site We Are In Business

    At long last we are in business and have had inquiries from the site and could not have a better reason to get exicted.

    Now it is your turn to tell me how you find my site. Of course there are some things I have to polish up but everything is working just fine.

    OOOpss sorry everything is in Spanish but very soon we'll have the English version up. Now I can get guys to come visit Kenya, I will be the young safari rider. This is my baby and I cannopt wait to watch it grow to the highiest level.

    Enjoy the site
    check: and give me your views.


    Mt aka Haj
    www.clicksafaris .com

  • #2
    Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

    Great job in Dreamweaver!

    The only thing I saw that you may wish to consider is the placement of your "click safaris" text logo: you may wish to pad it more to the right, aligning the left margin to stack exactly above "quienes somos"......

    Good job on the Flash insert also.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • #3
      Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

      i liked the colors, layout etc. not crazy about the counter, but thats personal choice.

      Well Done!
      Best Regards,
      Surveillance Systems
      Restaurant POS | Retail POS
      Free WoW Gold Guide


      • #4
        Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

        Excellent site. Will be awfully nice to read it in English.
        Simply Quit - Smoking


        • #5
          Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

          Beautiful site...makes me wish I could go on safari...can't wait to see it in English.


          • #6
            Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

            Love the colors and want to take my grandson one day, when you get it into English I would love to put your site in my Hot Getaways.

            Sharon Chajin


            • #7
              Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

              Colors are perfect for a safari site. The date feature is good. Nice clear map. How did you do that? I've been using pdf, which is less user-friendly.

              Are you still working on the banners? All in all, muy bien!


              • #8
                Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

                Looking good, a little on the wide side which is making me scroll right to see everything which is a little annoying but all in all the colours work well together and it is nicely presented. Good job!
                Arcade Ninja - Free Flash Arcade
                FreeGadget4me.Com - Learn how to get free gadgets delivered direct to your door for free


                • #9
                  Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

                  Nicely done! I really like the flash. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the english.

                  Any excuse for non performance only weakens the charactor

                  In God We Trust


                  • #10
                    Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

                    I like it. The color, the picture, everything! The only thing is, I wish there was english. Other then that, people will love it!


                    • #11
                      Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

                      Ditto the others. Love the colors, the picture, even though I couldn't understand a word it was very pleasant to click through. Great job!


                      • #12
                        Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

                        On your Geografia page, the kenya.jpg map; have you thought about making the places to visit text as links to the page of that park or locale?
                        I have done this with a web site showing the places (cities, vineyards, etc.) I visited on a vacation to Italy and it runs fast. The map of Italy showed where the places are with text which when clicked bought one to the place description and details web page.


                        • #13
                          Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

                          I forgot to add how it's done. Use the USEMAP attribute for an Image Map. An Image Map is a graphic image, with predefined regions, that contains links to other documents or anchors.


                          • #14
                            Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

                            spelling and grammar is excellent from what I've read of a few different pages.

                            Well Done!
                            Best Regards,
                            Surveillance Systems
                            Restaurant POS | Retail POS
                            Free WoW Gold Guide


                            • #15
                              Re: Check Out My Site We Are In Business

                              Hi Guys,

                              Thanks a lot for taking your most valuable time to go through my site. I could not see the posts since for the last few days I had problems accessing Vodahost, everytime I tried to open their page, it redirected to Cpanel page, crazy and annoying but now it is working.

                              For those who cannot wait to see it in English, I hope to give you the great news soon. It is great to have such positive feedback especially after working hard on this project, since it has taken me months. Unfortunately I cannot do much now about the width of the page. Perhaps sometime later will change it to fit as many screens. I hope it is not a huge handicap. I am trying to create a logo that pretty suits a safari page and will soon have it up also, so will align the text possibly right on top of the 'quienes somos' thanx generalisimo for your post, also on the map issue in 'Geografia', will try to create links which will redirect straight to the descriptions of the various parts of Kenya. I am also working on Tanzania and Zanzibar, it will be terrific once published.

                              Well talk to you later
                              www.clicksafaris .com

