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Looks to be a well thought out and put together site.
i just noted the footer has some odd underlines there for the links.. not sure what thats about exactly. I dont have time to go real in depth.. but the site is looking good.
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***** page heads and image presentations (might wish to clean up some static images a bit -- seem a little distorted : how did you re-size them?).
Overall layout needs your focused attention with regard to alignments, positioning, and "balance" to a noticble degree.
Personally, I suggest you re-think your presentation of your religious "affiliation": like it or not, it is divisive to your potential client base presented in such a "central" may wish to consider cleaning it up a bit and neatly placing it toward the bottom of your page (there is a lot of room, and might help in your tightening the layout balance). Where you have it now really does not seem to fit whatsoever, either within context or site design. It is a common understanding that projecting "religon, politics, or money" onto a business will invaribly "characterize" it unfairly or negatively with regard to universal appeal......thus, placement must be as well-thought as the intent (if it remains).
I like the use of php is becoming the favored construct of W4 website design.
With some more focused efforts, I am sure your site will emerge an outstanding model of what is possible! Congratulations!
Personally, I suggest you re-think your presentation of your religious "affiliation": like it or not, it is divisive to your potential client base presented in such a "central" may wish to consider cleaning it up a bit and neatly placing it toward the bottom of your page (there is a lot of room, and might help in your tightening the layout balance). Where you have it now really does not seem to fit whatsoever, either within context or site design. It is a common understanding that projecting "religon, politics, or money" onto a business will invaribly "characterize" it unfairly or negatively with regard to universal appeal......thus, placement must be as well-thought as the intent (if it remains).
I just recognized the "logo" in the item I was referring that of Virgina Tech, and realized it was your expression of compassionate sympathy.
>> For this lapse of mine I wish to apologize for what may have seemed a harsh comment, but also wish to point out that if I myself was confused or oblivious to this on your website, it may be that I might not be alone. It was me that posted the first news wires about this horrible event in VodaTalk's Lounge, so I am quite understanding of your heartfelt efforts....
Different than the symbols and expressions of 9-11, which were mostly displays of the American flag, ribbons of the flag's colors, or similar such designs, your use of the "VT" logo with additional personalizations is rather my opinion.
Again, you may wish to use a border, and less religiously specific text to commmemorate your intent, possibly with something like "Lest We Forget" or even a more innocuous "We Shall Remember You". In this way, you contribute purposefully in an understandable manner without conflicting your sentiments with personalizations.
My initial post only offered guidelines and design standards that are universally accepted, yet I wish not to appear ignorant of these troubled times and how our needs to express ourselves may often be completely individual and full of sincerity.
Thanks for the review and I understand that some people have an aversion to religious symbols but I felt that this particular bible verse was very fitting as many many people around the world began to question "why does God let these things happen." Though it may characterize our business in a certain way it is a way that I am aware of and will be gladly characterized that way.
I never took your comments as harsh or unjust. I am open minded to everyone's views. I have moved the logo to a smaller location at the top of the page. I actually did that before I read your post. I wanted it to stand prominantly for the weekend. I actually had two potential clients submit thier info in the form to the direct left of that logo.
As for the balance. I agree completely. We are a franchise and this site is directly influenced by what they want our sites to look like. We can do whatever we wish BUT they would rather they look similiar.
Thanks for all the help.
Looks clean. I like the menu and colors. Viewing in FireFox I did notice a couple of rogue logos at the bottom of your page. I'm not sure if you're gonna leave them there or what the deal is with those...
Well Done!
Hey Matt,
Nice site. I think you have done a great job. The balance thing doesn't hit me untill I get to the bottom, the empty spot on the left. Maybe if you streatched the two banners, and text over to caver the bottom, it would help. Just a thought.
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