Tearing my hair out - my website, help, critique

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  • Inlunarsun-Photography

    • Mar 2007
    • 19

    Tearing my hair out - my website, help, critique

    Oh wait, I've got no hair anyway!!

    Goodness knows what my web designer that I was employing was thinking of, somehow she's posted / published my website on the web, even though I got to the point of telling her to leave it entirely alone. I should point out at this stage, that the designer most certainly is not the very kind individual that was assisting me last night, rather was sourced from outside VH.

    The designer I was employing reckons this took her as a professional 40 hours just to do this, a fact I find rather difficult to comprehend. 40 hours on one page!! No way!!

    Anyway, the website wasn't even supposed to be published until it was completely finished to my satisfaction. Somehow, all the navigation buttons have disappeared, the Home button, About Us button, the Prices button etc etc, in their place is something else showing, an e-mail address of mine, that I did not even authorise for use on this site, preferring to use: info@skyhighphotographs .co.uk and this should appear at the bottom of the page, not the top. Goodness knows I spelt it out clearly enough what was required. The background is getting there, albeit the white in the middle isn't blue, but hey, what else could possibly go wrong?

    This was all supposed to be finished not this past weekend gone, but the weekend before.

    Finally losing my rag, I've told the old designer to leave the site entirely alone before it gets messed up any further, even now, in this state, it shouldn't be on the web at all. I think the person doing this, thought they were doing me a favour by trying to provide me with something which in their view, was better than the project brief. Lesson learned here, never use friends for business projects. Always use, complete outside your social network contacts, to avoid ill feeling when things go horribly wrong.

    The E-mail button should lead to a form where potential interested clients can leave their details and a message for me, and not Outlook Express. The rest of the navigation buttons, that should appear where that appears, were to all look the same with the sky and clouds etc, similar to the logo I had designed weeks ago along with the lettering for my business name.

    Now, I havn't the foggiest clue how to pick this site up of mine and ressurect it to where it was supposed to be in the first place.

    If anyone has any ideas on how to assist me, that would be hugely appreciated. Need to move the contact section to the bottom of the page, need to put back in the navigation buttons where the contact info is currently, change the E-mail button link to a form and NOT Outlook Express. The 3 photos on the left need replacing. A gallery needs to be put in still, with Before and After photographs, in thumbnails first for fast downloading, then when one clicks on them, for them to appear bigger, but this can be discussed.

    The other pages need to be set in place. And from there work out how to improve the rest of the overall look, feel of the website.

    How the ruddy dickens do I now go about all this? I can't even find the screen where one does all the editing etc, you know the one that says Start New Blank Page?

    One totally and utterly exasperated Cornishman.

    Any help, critique so far appreciated.

  • AmaDee

    • Jun 2006
    • 851

    Re: Tearing my hair out - my website, help, critique

    hey there, you did pretty good. So, now that this page is up, which one do you want to tackle next?


    • planet777
      First Lieutenant

      • Dec 2006
      • 181

      Re: Tearing my hair out - my website, help, critique

      I also think it looks fine, but I know that doesnt really solve your problem :-

      If you go into the Bluevoda tutorials and work thru them, it should solve most of your questions... you just have to put in the hours, I'm afraid ... but when you DO get it right, it's quite a feeling, knowing you did it yourself and can change it at will etc :-

      The Open new Blank page is found as you load BlueVoda website builder ... one of 3 options...

      hang in there, it'll come right :-

      chao 4 now

      A manual to help small-business owners . http://www.entrepreneurshipz.com


      • darklight
        Brigadier General

        • Jul 2006
        • 1309

        Re: Tearing my hair out - my website, help, critique

        Hi there,

        A agree with above, A) its looking good and B) look at the tutorials here.
        Take a break from the computer, go and play around with a camera ;) come back, and watch them tutorials!
        If you need any help with anything feel free to ask.



        • Patience
          Brigadier General

          • Mar 2007
          • 1011

          Re: Tearing my hair out - my website, help, critique

          Can't offer any technical advise....but can I offer you a strong drink?!


