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  • Mosen

    Greetings, All!

    I thought it would be nice to hear your comments on a website that I recently published for a friend (seems to be a lot of us doing this recently, doesn't it?).

    Typically an "artist," he was absolutely useless as far as input or substance to contribute, so this site is 99% my design, composition, and business "plan" so to speak! I had to be careful not to create something he could not fulfill, and have seeming more knowledge about his business than he did, being in the "Wedding" end of things for years.

    I decided the best thing would be to have the site act as the "base" for collecting his contacts/leads and to have a simple "system" to follow up with them effectively. Since his business is mostly regional (despite his excitement about the prospect of selling prints online) and typically dependant on traditional marketing efforts, having a website in an incredibly crowded field could never be anything more than that basic function of serving traffic that was created from those ongoing efforts.....

    Format: 100% Blue Voda
    Hosted: VodaHost
    Time of Completion (despite long pauses in between actually working on it- LOL): 7 hours
    Project Scope: 99% me

    Looking forward to your reviews!

    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

  • #2
    Re: Mosen

    Hi Mi fren,

    Nice job. Just a few personal alwyas it is a matter of

    I would have liked to see more of his work. I would not contact someone if I could not see enough of their work in each area to convince me it was worth my time and as you said lots out their that are very competitive and quite good.

    Here is one site i bookmarked cause I liek this gentlemans work...not the best website but his work more than makes me want to come back...visual is a great motivator if you are wanting to sell your product in the future.

    Also, not sure everyone would get the 'return to home' with the two arrows ...i don't know if it might be more user freindly to use a home icon..something nice and small

    Ok...that's it for me.

    Still a good job and in 7 go deh mon!!



    • #3
      Re: Mosen

      Hi Vasili, Nice feel & style. Pages load's really fast.
      Only my opinion. But:
      Not sure on not having a menu on each page. (Was feeling a bit lost?)
      On the wedding page it feels like the text is a bit low or something missing, in comparison to the others. I can see what your aim is, but wasn’t sure it’s working with that image. (Might be my screen contrast)
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • #4
        Re: Mosen

        Bee: Thanks, Luv! About his work? I was not supplied with enough quality shots to work with to begin with (which exposed his dis-organization!) and pulled what I thought were the best representation of his range of ability -- which was the deciding factor to do his site like this rather than a full-blown cart or catalog style..... Again, trying not to create a monster that he would not be able to tame! He certainly will not be the one to update or "manage" the site, and I definitely do not have any room to add his tasks to my list! LOL

        Chris: I appreciate your taking a look! You brought up a good point, one that I had not fully resolved comfortably: lack of interior navigation. But, I finally opted to "keep it simple" for the very reason that for the most part, visitors that are arriving are undoubtedly from his own marketing, and as such, specifically targeted viewers are not typically "cross-shoppers." But as we know, people chaeck out every nook and cranny of websites in an effort to "get the big picture" which in a way satisfies Bee's mention about seeing more of his work.
        Add this to the fact it is really only 1 click in or back out to the Main, I hoped to preserve the convenience of navigation in that manner.
        Which goes back to something Bee mentioned about using a "clearer defined" Home/return icon.....Hmmmm.
        Funny you can recognize my writing style, and how it truly does reflect my moods or "stop/start" activity! I don't really know what you are mentioning about the image??
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • #5
          Re: Mosen

          Very nice job Vasili ... smooth flowing, I am certain your client will be pleased ...


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          • #6
            Re: Mosen

            LadyEye: As always, your comments are worth their weight in gold!
            I hope he is happy.....I'll do simple edits for him, but it has taught me to never take on a task that is not fully detailed ever again! LOL
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • #7
              Re: Mosen

              Oh my, just lovely.

              I enjoyed the navigation, it made me say, "ooh, something new, something different."



              • #8
                Re: Mosen

                Looks great! I do like the idea of a home button or something a little more self explanitory than the arrows. I was a little confused for a minute, but i commend the simplicity of the site. He should be pleased.

                Well Done!!
                Best Regards,
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                • #9
                  Re: Mosen

                  Originally posted by Aliens Anonymous
                  Nice and Cooool Dude,
                  i just feel sorry for the headless couple on the commercial page still they seem to be ok though.

                  A good reflection of the site designer, no doubt!

                  MARK: I appreciate the fact you took the time to spot some typos! I'll get right on them......goes to show you the pratfalls of composing directly into BV.......
                  . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                  * Success Is Potential Realized *


                  • #10
                    Re: Mosen

                    Beautiful graphics intertwined in a simple web-site format. Returning to simplicity.

                    One thing- the form. It has required fields yet I didn't fill in any and it submitted the form once I pressed submit. Is this intended?

                    Other than that- quite a nice job.

                    Oh- yeah. I am a big fan of one click in and one (maybe two clicks out) Having a menu on each page for such a small site really isnt necessary.

                    PHP- is a blast!

