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New site!! (revised from

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  • #16
    Re: New site!! (revised from

    Apologies, did not want to hijack.
    Sorry George.
    Nei Hao from the Dragon City.


    • #17
      Re: New site!! (revised from

      I just love the way you can learn new things here. Your site looks really
      good. I like the samples. I never knew there was a designer for that.

      Any excuse for non performance only weakens the charactor

      In God We Trust


      • #18
        Re: New site!! (revised from

        Originally posted by AmaDee
        Homepage Gramatically Errors

        Now that you've taken care of all the major "fixes", here are some minor ones. The areas in question are bolded and colored

        And finally, your error page's "back" button is unlabelled.

        I've only went over the homepage. Gotta work now, but will take a look at the other pages for little nuisances like these later.
        AmaDee... Thanks for pointing that stuff out... all fixed.

        ...except for this "error page" one. I checked it and it works fine. Maybe it just didn't load for you??

        Let me know if it still isn't working. I just republished to be sure.


        • #19
          Re: New site!! (revised from

          Originally posted by TSP
          Apologies, did not want to hijack.
          Sorry George.

          haha... don't worry... it's really okay. seriously. Besides, I just NOW realized that the other thread I was posting on the past few days (Site Additions...) was also in this section and I didn't realize it. I just kept replying through my CP.

          So... in a way, I had two threads open talking about the same stuff in the same section. ah well. :)

          I will go and check out your site... woulda done it anyway. :) But yeah, if you started a new thread, that'd be easier to check back on the responses.

          See ya!


          • #20
            Re: New site!! (revised from

            Originally posted by SAman
            I just love the way you can learn new things here. Your site looks really
            good. I like the samples. I never knew there was a designer for that.
            I hear ya! I've had a blast looking around at what everyone does here. It's very educational.

            And thanks! This is "take 3" for me on here, as far as site re-design. I think I've got one now that works best for my business and is much easier to manage than the last couple.


            • #21
              Re: New site!! (revised from

              Oh, Sweeet. The back button looks good. Once again, silly me, I viewed your site in IE7. Haven't installed flash on it because I really don't care much for the browser. Anyway, the button looks good in FF, but I only saw one correction as far as the grammatical errors. It could be that you don't have a no cache script and I am viewing the old file.


              • #22
                Re: New site!! (revised from

                Originally posted by AmaDee
                Oh, Sweeet. The back button looks good. Once again, silly me, I viewed your site in IE7. Haven't installed flash on it because I really don't care much for the browser. Anyway, the button looks good in FF, but I only saw one correction as far as the grammatical errors. It could be that you don't have a no cache script and I am viewing the old file.
                For me... I'm not that familiar with "no cache" stuff, but whenever I'm on my site and make changes, I have to hit the refresh button for that stuff to appear. Maybe that's all you need to do. ??

                Hmm... I went and looked at the "error page" with IE7 and you're right... it's blank. :( I don't know how to fix that. You said something about not having Flash installed. Do I need some sort of plug-in??


                • #23
                  Re: New site!! (revised from

                  I think so...about IE and flash. I haven't taken the time to do much with that browser.

                  About the fact that I'm not seeing your changes, I refresh over 5 times. Just in case, here's a no cache script that you can put in the "between head tag" of your page html

                  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
                  <script type="text/javascript">


                  • #24
                    Re: New site!! (revised from

                    okay... I tried to add that, but it moved the page flush to the left side and the background went from black to white. What did I do wrong?

                    (I changed it back already though)


                    • #25
                      Re: New site!! (revised from

                      And you put the script between the head tag? I don't know then. Do you have other scripts in that tag? Ummmm...



                      • #26
                        Re: New site!! (revised from

                        yeah, when I opened it, there was a script already there... should I overwrite it??

                        the script is:

                        <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON"

                        but that's just for my little "GH" icon that shows up in the address bar.

                        Also, it's weird how the changes I just made aren't working, however yesterday when I fixed the "Bio" and stuff, it all worked fine and you noticed it right away. hmm... ??


                        • #27
                          Re: New site!! (revised from

                          I have one of those little thingies, too. I have mine in the "Start of Page" section of the HTML. Try that and see...

                          PS: make sure you paste both codes into another doc, just incase. I don't know...I get paranoid...go figure!


                          • #28
                            Re: New site!! (revised from

                            Originally posted by AmaDee
                            I have one of those little thingies, too. I have mine in the "Start of Page" section of the HTML. Try that and see...

                            PS: make sure you paste both codes into another doc, just incase. I don't know...I get paranoid...go figure!
                            again... didn't work.

                            I moved the ico script to the start and the no cache you gave me in the between head tag.


                            is it really necessary??? ;) hahaha!


                            • #29
                              Re: New site!! (revised from

                              Oh, man. Don't be mad., what had happen was...ok! here's the script

                              <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">


                              • #30
                                Re: New site!! (revised from

                                I had a couple of scripts in that section and copied parts of my bookmark this page script along with the no cache script. Truely, I apologize for the waste of time.

