New Website

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  • Kevin Dwyer

    • May 2007
    • 35

    New Website

    Hello everyone...

    Just working on my first website and I am looking for comments and/or suggestions.

    Thanks in advance

    Kevin Dwyer
  • AmaDee

    • Jun 2006
    • 851

    Re: New Website

    Nice design, Kevin. I have some suggestions, nothing major, just minor changes...

    1. menu: needs to be centered in your page...some mights say to move it up, but I don't that's necessary.

    2. Grammatical errors
    April,2006 (April, 2006)
    Ford,got (Ford, got)
    May 3rd,2006 (May 3rd, 2006)

    3. I know you are not done with your site yet, which is why all of the links open up to a new window. But that shouldn't be the case when you're linking to somewhere within your site. set the target to _self or just leave the target blank.

    4. center your body text so that there is the same amount of space both to the right and left. Do you see how your paragraph starts under the C in the left logo? Justify your page and have it end under the C in your right logo...try it and see if you like the change.

    Other than those, you did a really great job.


    • bill2006
      Lieutenant General

      • May 2006
      • 3421

      Re: New Website

      Kevin, you've put a lot into your site, some things you might want to consider:
      -Some of the colors combination don't seem to match. Example this page
      -Rather than having a celebrity (Committee page) why not show off one of the better holes with someone for your group. Unless the celebrity has played there which then adds value to your site.
      -A couple of pages open to a new site, as there is no "back to your page" link, you may lose some visitors.
      -You mention contact one of the committee members for more info, yet their emails are static, might want to make them live links - you can scramble them to avoid spammers. And you can use your cpanel to create individual emails for each member i.e. yourname @ (spaces added), making it appear more professional.

      Good luck


      • Kevin Dwyer

        • May 2007
        • 35

        Re: New Website

        Thanks Amadee....

        Great points....thanks for your input. I should have most corrected soon. Take care.


        Originally posted by AmaDee
        Nice design, Kevin. I have some suggestions, nothing major, just minor changes...

        1. menu: needs to be centered in your page...some mights say to move it up, but I don't that's necessary.

        2. Grammatical errors
        April,2006 (April, 2006)
        Ford,got (Ford, got)
        May 3rd,2006 (May 3rd, 2006)

        3. I know you are not done with your site yet, which is why all of the links open up to a new window. But that shouldn't be the case when you're linking to somewhere within your site. set the target to _self or just leave the target blank.

        4. center your body text so that there is the same amount of space both to the right and left. Do you see how your paragraph starts under the C in the left logo? Justify your page and have it end under the C in your right logo...try it and see if you like the change.

        Other than those, you did a really great job.
        Kevin Dwyer


        • Kevin Dwyer

          • May 2007
          • 35

          Re: New Website

          Thanks Amadee for your valuable input. I should be able to correct most of those amateur errors over the next couple of days.

          Take care and good luck from The Land of Smiles.
          Kevin Dwyer


          • Kevin Dwyer

            • May 2007
            • 35

            Re: New Website

            Originally posted by bill2006
            Kevin, you've put a lot into your site, some things you might want to consider:
            -Some of the colors combination don't seem to match. Example this page
            -Rather than having a celebrity (Committee page) why not show off one of the better holes with someone for your group. Unless the celebrity has played there which then adds value to your site.
            -A couple of pages open to a new site, as there is no "back to your page" link, you may lose some visitors.
            -You mention contact one of the committee members for more info, yet their emails are static, might want to make them live links - you can scramble them to avoid spammers. And you can use your cpanel to create individual emails for each member i.e. yourname @ (spaces added), making it appear more professional.

            Good luck

            Thanks so much for your input.

            1) The page you pointed out is definetely not good but I had been working about 14 hours by that point. I also have no color coordination

            2)I love the idea of using our own courses and members...I took some pics today so I will see how they turn out.

            3)How can I make the contact block go to their exixting email addresses ?

            Thanks Again

            Kevin Dwyer


            • alas

              • May 2006
              • 229

              Re: New Website

              Hi Kevin,
              I think you have done a good job in designing your first web site.
              Few suggestions:
              It is better to use the old black or dark grey color for the text, and the white or a very soft color as background.
              More clear and net are the pages and more the message get to the viewer.
              I agree with Bill 2006 and Amadee about those points.
              Also try to keep all the pages with the same style when you create them.
              I would like to know from Bill2006, how to scramble the email address?
              It is something I would like to do on my web.
              About the contact blog:
              I think you have to design a form page which is link from a text ex:
              on this address "...............******.com"you make a hyperlink to a contact form page designed only for this address, the receiver will get the email straight to his box, and the sender can use that form page to send him a message instead copying the email address ........
              I hope this ideas will help you.

